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  1. JaceSolarisVIII's post in Random NPC file was marked as the answer   
    This also needs to be supported in the code.
    In the code add the following in. NPC _spawn.cpp
    static void NPC_Spawn_f(void) after Jedi_random add
    if ( !Q_stricmp( "jedi_random", NPCspawner->NPC_type ) ) {//special case, for testing NPCspawner->NPC_type = NULL; NPCspawner->spawnflags |= 4; SP_NPC_Jedi( NPCspawner ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "sith_random", NPCspawner->NPC_type ) ) {//special case, for testing NPCspawner->NPC_type = NULL; NPCspawner->spawnflags |= 4; SP_NPC_Sith( NPCspawner ); } else { NPC_Spawn( NPCspawner, NPCspawner, NPCspawner ); } then after void SP_NPC_Jedi( gentity_t *self) add a variation of this
    void SP_NPC_Sith( gentity_t *self) { if(!self->NPC_type) { if ( self->spawnflags & 4 ) {//random! int sanityCheck = 20; //just in case while ( sanityCheck-- ) { switch( Q_irand( 0, 11 ) ) { case 0: self->NPC_type = "Sith1"; break; case 1: self->NPC_type = "Sith2"; break; case 2: self->NPC_type = "Sith3"; break; case 3: self->NPC_type = "Sith4"; break; case 4: self->NPC_type = "Sith5"; break; case 5: self->NPC_type = "Sith6"; break; case 6: self->NPC_type = "Sith7"; break; case 7: self->NPC_type = "Sith8"; break; case 8: self->NPC_type = "Sith9"; break; case 9: self->NPC_type = "Sith10"; break; case 10: self->NPC_type = "Sith11"; break; case 11: default://just in case self->NPC_type = "Sith12"; break; } if ( strstr( self->NPC_type, g_char_model->string ) != NULL ) {//bah, we're using this one, try again continue; } break; //get out of the while } } else if ( self->spawnflags & 2 ) { self->NPC_type = "RebornFencer"; } else if ( self->spawnflags & 1 ) { self->NPC_type = "RebornForceUser"; } else { if ( !Q_irand( 0, 2 ) ) { self->NPC_type = "RebornRodian"; } else if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) ) { self->NPC_type = "RebornTrandoshan"; } else { self->NPC_type = "RebornWeequay"; } } } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } then you need to make a npc file to match the names of the npc,c you have created .like this
    Sith1 { playerModel cultist2 customSkin brown saber reborn weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 2 saberStyle 1 altFire 1 health 200 FP_HEAL 3 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 0 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 0 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 2 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 //npc,s never get more than 2 because they spam it. FP_SABER_DEFENSE 5 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 5 rank captain reactions 5 aim 5 move 5 aggression 5 evasion 5 intelligence 5 hfov 160 vfov 160 yawSpeed 120 walkSpeed 50 runSpeed 170 earshot 2048 visrange 4096 vigilance 1 movetype "walk" playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER class CLASS_REBORN snd cultist1 sndcombat cultist2 sndextra cultist3 sndjedi cultist1 dismemberProbHead 95 dismemberProbArms 95 dismemberProbLegs 95 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbWaist 95 } Sith2 { playerModel cultist3 customSkin red saber reborn_new weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 2 saberStyle 1 altFire 1 health 200 FP_HEAL 3 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 0 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 0 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 2 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 //npc,s never get more than 2 because they spam it. FP_SABER_DEFENSE 5 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 5 rank captain rank captain reactions 5 aim 5 move 5 aggression 5 evasion 5 intelligence 5 hfov 160 vfov 160 yawSpeed 120 walkSpeed 50 runSpeed 170 earshot 2048 visrange 4096 vigilance 1 movetype "walk" playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER class CLASS_REBORN snd cultist1 sndcombat cultist2 sndextra cultist3 sndjedi cultist1 dismemberProbHead 95 dismemberProbArms 95 dismemberProbLegs 95 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbWaist 95 } Sith3 { playerModel chiss saber reborn weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 2 saberStyle 1 altFire 1 health 200 FP_HEAL 3 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 1 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 0 FP_GRIP 1 FP_LIGHTNING 1 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 2 FP_DRAIN 1 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 //npc,s never get more than 2 because they spam it. FP_SABER_DEFENSE 5 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 5 rank captain reactions 5 aim 5 move 5 aggression 5 evasion 5 intelligence 5 hfov 160 vfov 160 yawSpeed 120 walkSpeed 50 runSpeed 170 earshot 2048 visrange 4096 vigilance 1 movetype "walk" playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER class CLASS_REBORN snd reborn1 sndcombat reborn2 sndextra reborn1 sndjedi reborn2 dismemberProbHead 95 dismemberProbArms 95 dismemberProbLegs 95 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbWaist 95 } Sith4 { playerModel rosh_penin saber shadowtrooper weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 3 health 500 FP_HEAL 3 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 0 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 0 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 2 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 //npc,s never get more than 2 because they spam it. FP_SABER_DEFENSE 5 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 5 rank captain reactions 5 aim 5 move 5 aggression 5 evasion 5 intelligence 5 movetype "walk" playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER class CLASS_REBORN snd rosh_boss sndextra rosh_boss sndcombat rosh_boss sndjedi rosh_boss dismemberProbHead 95 dismemberProbArms 95 dismemberProbLegs 95 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbWaist 95 } Sith5 { playerModel alora saber Tavion weapon WP_SABER sabercolor red saberStyle 1 saberStyle 2 altFire 1 health 200 FP_HEAL 3 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 1 FP_PUSH 3 FP_PULL 2 FP_TELEPATHY 0 FP_GRIP 1 FP_LIGHTNING 2 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 2 FP_ABSORB 2 FP_DRAIN 2 FP_SEE 2 FP_SABERTHROW 2 //npc,s never get more than 2 because they spam it. FP_SABER_DEFENSE 5 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 5 rank captain reactions 5 aim 5 move 5 aggression 5 evasion 5 intelligence 5 hfov 160 vfov 160 yawSpeed 120 walkSpeed 50 runSpeed 170 earshot 2048 visrange 4096 vigilance 1 movetype "walk" playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER class CLASS_ALORA sex female snd alora sndcombat alora sndextra alora sndjedi alora dismemberProbHead 95 dismemberProbArms 95 dismemberProbLegs 95 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbWaist 95 } Sith6 { playerModel tavion saber tavion saberColor red weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 5 altFire 1 health 200 FP_HEAL 3 FP_LEVITATION 1 FP_SPEED 0 FP_PUSH 3 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 0 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 2 FP_RAGE 0 FP_ABSORB 2 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 2 FP_SABERTHROW 2 //npc,s never get more than 2 because they spam it. FP_SABER_DEFENSE 5 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 5 rank commander reactions 5 aim 5 move 5 aggression 5 evasion 5 intelligence 5 hfov 160 vfov 160 yawSpeed 120 walkSpeed 50 runSpeed 170 earshot 2048 visrange 4096 vigilance 1 movetype "walk" playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER class CLASS_TAVION sex female snd tavion sndextra tavion sndcombat tavion sndjedi tavion dismemberProbHead 95 dismemberProbArms 95 dismemberProbLegs 95 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbWaist 95 } Sith7 { playerModel desann weapon WP_SABER saber Desann saberColor red saberStyle 4 altFire 1 health 500 FP_HEAL 2 FP_LEVITATION 3 FP_SPEED 0 FP_PUSH 3 FP_PULL 2 FP_GRIP 3 FP_LIGHTNING 2 FP_SEE 2 FP_SABERTHROW 2 //npc,s never get more than 2 because they spam it. FP_SABER_DEFENSE 5 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 5 forceRegenRate 50 rank captain reactions 5 aim 5 move 5 aggression 5 evasion 5 intelligence 5 hfov 160 vfov 160 scale 135 height 78 crouchheight 42 width 18 playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER class CLASS_DESANN yawSpeed 120 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 earshot 2048 visrange 4096 vigilance 1 movetype "walk" snd desann sndextra desann sndcombat desann sndjedi desann dismemberProbHead 95 dismemberProbArms 95 dismemberProbLegs 95 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbWaist 95 } Sith8 { playerModel reborn2 customSkin boss saber RebornMaster weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 2 saberStyle 1 altFire 1 health 200 FP_HEAL 3 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 1 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 0 FP_GRIP 1 FP_LIGHTNING 1 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 2 FP_DRAIN 1 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 //npc,s never get more than 2 because they spam it. FP_SABER_DEFENSE 5 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 5 rank captain reactions 5 aim 5 move 5 aggression 5 evasion 5 intelligence 5 hfov 160 vfov 160 yawSpeed 120 walkSpeed 50 runSpeed 170 earshot 2048 visrange 4096 vigilance 1 movetype "walk" playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER class CLASS_REBORN snd reborn1 sndcombat reborn2 sndextra reborn1 sndjedi reborn2 dismemberProbHead 95 dismemberProbArms 95 dismemberProbLegs 95 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbWaist 95 } Sith9 { playerModel rodian saber reborn weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 2 saberStyle 1 altFire 1 health 200 FP_HEAL 3 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 0 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 0 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 2 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 //npc,s never get more than 2 because they spam it. FP_SABER_DEFENSE 5 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 5 rank captain reactions 5 aim 5 move 5 aggression 5 evasion 5 intelligence 5 hfov 160 vfov 160 yawSpeed 120 walkSpeed 50 runSpeed 170 earshot 2048 visrange 4096 vigilance 1 movetype "walk" playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER class CLASS_REBORN snd rodian1 sndcombat rodian1 sndextra rodian1 sndjedi rodian1 dismemberProbHead 95 dismemberProbArms 95 dismemberProbLegs 95 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbWaist 95 } Sith10 { playerModel trandoshan saber reborn weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 2 saberStyle 1 altFire 1 health 200 FP_HEAL 3 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 0 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 0 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 2 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 //npc,s never get more than 2 because they spam it. FP_SABER_DEFENSE 5 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 5 rank captain reactions 5 aim 5 move 5 aggression 5 evasion 5 intelligence 5 hfov 160 vfov 160 yawSpeed 120 walkSpeed 50 runSpeed 170 earshot 2048 visrange 4096 vigilance 1 movetype "walk" playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER class CLASS_REBORN snd trandoshan1 sndcombat trandoshan1 sndextra trandoshan1 sndjedi trandoshan1 dismemberProbHead 95 dismemberProbArms 95 dismemberProbLegs 95 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbWaist 95 } Sith11 { playerModel reborn customSkin acrobat saber reborn weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 2 saberStyle 1 altFire 1 health 200 FP_HEAL 3 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 0 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 0 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 2 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 //npc,s never get more than 2 because they spam it. FP_SABER_DEFENSE 5 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 5 rank captain reactions 5 aim 5 move 5 aggression 5 evasion 5 intelligence 5 hfov 160 vfov 160 yawSpeed 120 walkSpeed 50 runSpeed 170 earshot 2048 visrange 4096 vigilance 1 movetype "walk" playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER class CLASS_REBORN snd reborn1 sndcombat reborn2 sndextra reborn1 sndjedi reborn2 dismemberProbHead 95 dismemberProbArms 95 dismemberProbLegs 95 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbWaist 95 } Sith12 { playerModel reborn customSkin fencer saber reborn weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 2 saberStyle 1 altFire 1 health 200 FP_HEAL 3 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 0 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 0 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 2 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 //npc,s never get more than 2 because they spam it. FP_SABER_DEFENSE 5 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 5 rank captain reactions 5 aim 5 move 5 aggression 5 evasion 5 intelligence 5 hfov 160 vfov 160 yawSpeed 120 walkSpeed 50 runSpeed 170 earshot 2048 visrange 4096 vigilance 1 movetype "walk" playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER class CLASS_REBORN snd reborn1 sndcombat reborn2 sndextra reborn1 sndjedi reborn2 dismemberProbHead 95 dismemberProbArms 95 dismemberProbLegs 95 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbWaist 95 } this  or a variation of this will allow you to create a new random npc spawn list.
  2. JaceSolarisVIII's post in Automatic Healing was marked as the answer   
    If your doing it in code,try this.
    This is multiplayer version
    void ClientTimerActions( gentity_t *ent, int msec ) { gclient_t *client; int clientNum = ent-g_entities; client = ent->client; client->timeResidual += msec; while ( client->timeResidual >= 1000 ) { client->timeResidual -= 1000; //you heal 1 hp every 1 second. if ( ent->health < client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] ) { ent->health++; } if ( client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] < client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] ) { client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR]++; } // count down health when over max if ( ent->health > client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] ) { ent->health--; } // count down armor when over max if ( client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] > client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] ) { client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR]--; } } } This is singleplayer version
    void ClientTimerActions( gentity_t *ent, int msec ) { gclient_t *client; client = ent->client; client->timeResidual += msec; while ( client->timeResidual >= 1000 ) { client->timeResidual -= 1000; if ( ent->s.weapon != WP_NONE ) { ent->client->sess.missionStats.weaponUsed[ent->s.weapon]++; } //you heal 1 hp every 1 second. if ( ent->health < client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] ) { ent->health++; } if ( client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] < client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] ) { client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR]++; } // count down health when over max if ( ent->health > client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] ) { ent->health--; } // count down armor when over max if ( client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] > client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] ) { client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR]--; } if ( (ent->flags&FL_OVERCHARGED_HEALTH) ) {//need to gradually reduce health back to max if ( ent->health > ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] ) {//decrement it ent->health--; ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = ent->health; } else {//done ent->flags &= ~FL_OVERCHARGED_HEALTH; } } } } Should give the effect you want for your mod
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