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Aiolus Ayil

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  • Gaming Specialty
    Competitive Play
    Capture the Flag
    Moviebattles 2

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  1. Without really exaggerating, JoF is definitely one of the greatest and most vivid places one could encounter throughout our multiplayer gaming world! An environment which feels like a family. You will rarely find such a dedicated community <3
  2. Long Live JoF! <3
  3. Yes! Thank you very much!
  4. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask such a question, but nonetheless, i am having a hard time finding a specific Sith Map. Maybe someone will recognize it by the screenshots i will provide: A hint: There is a backyard in which you can spawn a rancor by pressing(or pushing) a button. Any ideas? It's really important, so thank you beforehand!
  5. Hello, brothers of the Star Wars universe! I thought of finally introducing myself to the JKHub community, but before that: I wish to tell you all that i'm really happy to see JKHub growing, along with Jedi Academy! I love this game and i hope everything to keep on flourishing! This may sounds banal, but i am really grateful to everyone that kept on contributing with activity throughout the years! I dont know if any of you realizes or not, but JKA wouldnt be alive by now without your presence in it! Therefore, Gratitute, brothers! Now, a few words about myself. I am from Bulgaria, and i have been playing this game for more than 10 years now(of course with some breaks) I cant explain in words the wonderful moments and the wonderful people i have met throughout the years! My journey began back in 2004, where i stumbled upon {TO} The Order. Since then alot has happened. Right now i am in a leading position in The Sith Empire - {{S}}. A clan that coexists with the Jedi's of Freedom - {JoF} We are a great and populated community growing by the day, and I am honored to be a part of it. So,. Hello! I am Aiolus Ayil.
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