I'm trying to host a couple of Jedi Academy servers off of my virtual private server with the same IP but different ports. For some reason only one server (Server 1) is visible on the master list. I'm able to connect to the other server (Server 2) and it's also visible on my Favorites list if I were to add it there. I've tried switching up the ports, and that causes Server 2 to be visible in master list while Server 1 becomes invisible. The ports I'm using are 29070 (Visible) and 29071. I've also tried re-installing the OS (debian) on the server and loading just Jedi Academy servers. When I did that and started up Server 2 first with port 29071, it became visible, but Server 1 with port 29070 became invisible. I was also able to get both servers to be visible on master list last night, but today only Server 1 shows up while Server 2 is still playable but invisible in master list. I have no idea how I made both servers visible for that short amount of time, as at that time I was just messing with the ports, switching them around. I've tried messing with the ports today but had no luck. Does anyone have any idea on how to get 2 JKA servers with the same IP to show up on the Master Server list? P.S. I'm using the assets3 and linuxjampded provided by Caelum in his Server guide. A friend of mine, Valar, was able to get his jka servers to show up on the master server list with different ports using the same assets and linuxjampded. I've asked him about this issue, but he has no idea what's going on with my server. Although, 1 major difference I should note is that he's running Ubuntu on his server while I'm running debian, I don't know if that would be causing the issue?