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Posts posted by No-Puhi

  1. Add non-steam shortcut to the openjk_sp.x86.exe bin for SP and another to openjk.x86.exe for MP.


    It won't be able to run through the "Star Wars: Jedi Knight Jedi Academy" actual game in steam but it uses the same assets.  Note it uses openjk.cfg for MP and openjk_sp.cfg for SP rather than the jaconfig and jampconfig!




    sorry, didnt quite understand. when you say "add non-steam shortuct" do you mean "add as non steam game"? and what bin?

    also i found that you can choose mods in the settings menu and one of the options is OpenJA.

    Does anyone know if this would be valid?

  2. Hello. From the title its obvious that i am somewhat new to this game. I played the vanilla version of Jedi Academy at a friends house a couple of times. Quite enjoyed it so i decided to buy myself a copy through steam.

    I played a couple of multiplayer matches and played on a couple of modded servers, got rekt by experienced players...

    I saw a couple of steam guides related to the game and one of them was a guide for new people to get into the game.

    That where i found out about this site :D

    What troubles me is, the guide recommended a lot of things to download and put into my game directory such as OpenJA, JA++ and some demos that are lessons/tutorials for newbies  :mellow:

    Half way through the process i got confused and realised i didnt even know what i was downloading. There was little explanation to what im doing or why im doing it.

    So id like to hear some of the things the more experienced players would recommend a new player to do. I taught of going through the singleplayer since i discovered there was more to lightsaber fights than spamming LMB, so i can get a grasp on the controls and moves.

    As for the mods like OpenJA and JA++, i have no idea what they are. I saw a forum thread here where a guy recommended new players stay away from JA++. Dont know why...

    In summary: Im kinda lost in this new world and would like some guidance.


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