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Lostris's Achievements

  1. This tutorial assumes you are either a server owner or a server admin on a mod such as JA+ with NPC permissions. Vehicles Usage /npc spawn vehicle # Example /npc spawn vehicle atst_vehicle List of vehicles NPC's Usage /npc spawn # Example /npc spawn desann List of NPC's Maps Usage Multiplayer admin: /rcon map # For JA+ servers, will load the selected map in FFA mode: /ammap 0 # Singleplayer: /map # With cheats enabled: /devmap # Example /rcon map mp/ffa3 /ammap 0 mp/ffa3 List of maps
  2. The NOR Clan, New Order Rising, was founded on the 18th of April 2015 by AchiYami, Ansanati and Lostris. The clanleaders have known each other since 2008 from the HcC clan of which they all were a part of. All of them have been active on JKA in different clans after HcC closed down. After an inactivity period they all came back in contact and founded NOR. They wanted a clan without all the drama, without really strict rules. But one with respect and fun. They founded NOR because they love the game and would like to share this with others. NOR is a place where we hang out together as friends, there are ranks for the idea of progress but we are all equal, members have a say in how the clan is run. We also like to mess up the server settings every now and then and have a low gravity day, no kata day or a pro blue stance day by adjusting the blue damages. However we will not tell you this, you will have to find out on your own! To keep our members interacting we have a group conversation on skype. In many clans there is the problem that members do not join the server when it is empty. Through our skype group conversation you can just ask people to hang out on the server and instantly reach every member. We are a laid back group who love the game. Do you still love this old game but don't want to bother with strict rules? NOR might just be the place for you! JOIN NOR CLAN! Website: http://www.nor-clan.com Server IP: (JA+ with SP damages)
  3. Ahhhw boo!! Nah kidding. Didn't know
  4. Then don't look behind you! There are more! You did make me feel instantly loved as first woman on this forum though.. :love:
  5. Heya Diam!
  6. Just making my first post and say Hi :-p I'm Lostris, 22 (almost 23 WooT) and I've been playing JO since it came out and then over to JKA when it came out. Greetz!
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