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Posts posted by -=Shade=-

  1. Hey yall, I saw some mention about ghoul2 animating on here!  I know how to animate for jk3 using Wudan's Dragon & GLAmerge and editing the animation.cfg / _humanoid.gla files.  I really want to animate a Bo Staff style that would be similiar to how Chinese ppl use a Bo Staff.  I thought at first this would be too overpowered so I figured a slight knockback effect could be incorperated.  I dont know how to mod saber hilts to do that though, but I do know it's possible to add slight knockback to a saber!  Lemme knowwwww if yall want me on your team :D

  2. Yeah that's a good idea, the only downside to remote control is it's a bit laggy. I'm working with a friend of mine on a reskin for my clan leader and we use Team Viewer, remote view/control software. Works really well but he does most of the work (all really) due to his vastly superior skill in photoshop and reskinning. I'll make a post soon to recruit animators for a project in this case. Thanks for the advice!

    Caelum likes this
  3. Sup everyone, I'm AR Shade from the force fighting clan on JA+. I've known how to animate for this game ever since I started playing it 8years ago, the problem is I've never had a powerful enough computer to use the extremely simple to use Wudan's Dragon Ghoul2 Animator software. What I propose is I tutor someone in the ins and outs of porting / merging new .gla files to the main _humanoid (it's actually a lot easier than this sounds) and getting them in game. One thing I've been yearning to test is whether or not you can replace entire swings in the _humanoid.gla and have their saber placements register when it comes to collisions.


    Anyone interested in co-creating new stance mods, emote mods, and entirely new animations with possible potential of creating new saber styles, need only reply to this post. -Note- you will need a semi decent rig, 2gb of ram and an OKAY video card should do the trick, my rig of only 512 just doesn't quite cut it :-( in fact when I try to animate my screen will completely lose power for seconds at a time, it's pathetic.


    Anyone can use Wudan's Dragon, it's as easy as playing with a GI Joe (or Jane ; ). So, are you ready?

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