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Posts posted by Iofiel

  1. Howdy again! Sorry I haven't put a response to anything for awhile! Was spending time with family and all that goodness.


    So, to start off, this is the first time a shader I've put in a model has messed up royally, but it's also the first time I've tried with a hair texture- usually I'm using the transparency on clothes and such which works almost 100% of the time.


    For the .png image, I posted the exact texture I'm using in a post up above, if you'd like to look at it I would be extremely thankful!


    I also did look at the shaders in the base JA assets and tried putting some codes in from there recently, but that white area still stays there, mocking me!


    Lastly, if anyone would like to check out the model themselves, I would be happy to send it your way! Just send a message to me and all that goodness. It's still something I'm working on, so the weighing in some areas might be a tad-bit wonky.


    Thank you all again for responding!

  2. Well, I just tried changing the textures to .tga, yet the problem still persists. Curse you, Jedi Academy! CURSE YOU! Thank you for the reply, by the way!

    Also, here's the .png of the hair-texture. I don't know if imgur changed it at all or not, but it still looks to have the removed locations still there- hopefully that sticks!




    Sorry, forgot to add this.


    I've also tried:


        cull    disable
            map models/players/Iofiel/Hair_Ex
            rgbGen lightingDiffuse
            alphaFunc GE128

        cull    disable
            map models/players/Iofiel/Hair_Ex2
            rgbGen lightingDiffuse
            alphaFunc GE128

        cull    disable
            map models/players/Iofiel/Hair_Ex3
            rgbGen lightingDiffuse
            alphaFunc GE128

        cull    disable
            map models/players/Iofiel/Hair_Ex4
            rgbGen lightingDiffuse
            alphaFunc GE128

        cull    disable
            map models/players/Iofiel/Hair_Ex5
            rgbGen lightingDiffuse
            alphaFunc GE128



        cull    disable
            map models/players/Iofiel/Hair_Ex
            alphaFunc GE192
            rgbGen lightingDiffuse

        cull    disable
            map models/players/Iofiel/Hair_Ex2
            alphaFunc GE192
            rgbGen lightingDiffuse

        cull    disable
            map models/players/Iofiel/Hair_Ex3
            alphaFunc GE192
            rgbGen lightingDiffuse

        cull    disable
            map models/players/Iofiel/Hair_Ex4
            alphaFunc GE192
            rgbGen lightingDiffuse

        cull    disable
            map models/players/Iofiel/Hair_Ex5
            alphaFunc GE192
            rgbGen lightingDiffuse

  3. Howdy-hoody! Sorry if this has been answered before or something similar has come up, but I can't for the life of me find anything addressing this.


    Anyways, to get to the point, I've been trying to wrap my head around making a shader work on a hair-texture (in .png format) to make the cut-off pieces transparent and not an untextured... texture (REDUNDANCY!!!). I've tried multiple different scripts, borrowing a few from shaders with similar use of transparency, and yet still the non textured whiteness persists! The hair pieces I've been using are 5 separate pieces on the model itself (Yeah, this is all for a custom model, should've mentioned that) and I separated the hair-textures into 5 different pieces while keeping them in .png format. Any help would be appreciated! I'll post images of the problem itself, thank you all!









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