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  1. Hello there! I am struggling to make the exported animations (exported to .fbx with Blender-Jedi-Academy-Tools) work on a humanoid character in Unity 3D. When i set the animation type to humanoid of the .FBX file in the import settings of Unity then it gives some weird results. Also the same case when converting the generic animation to humanoid with Umotion pro or the animation converter asset. Any idea? Here is the .fbx that contains the model, the rig and the animation file i want use on a humanoid rig: https://www.mediafire.com/file/88fzwgnkxir9ryl/jump_start_back.fbx/file
  2. I am struggling to convert the exported animation's to humanoid in Unity. I tried Umotion pro and animation converter but none of them gived a good result. Does anyone have a solution for that?
  3. I need some of the lightsaber animations from the game. I know its in the asset1.pk3 somewhere. Which program do i need to use to convert these animations to Blender? Thanks in advance.
  4. I want to play coop Jedi Outcast missions in Jedi Academy. Is that possible? Thanks
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