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Rúben G.

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  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
  • Gaming Specialty
  • Operating System
    Windows 7

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  1. Woudl be quite easy to have a tutorial trough skype, would be more pratical having someone to say "GO THERE, YES, YOU CAN DO IT, WRONG TOOL, GODDAMNIT"
  2. The skeleton I have works pretty fine and the hierarquy too, but my main problem is how weight the character and do those things of like breaking a polygon so it can bend or something. I just don't got that straight.
  3. Hi, I'm new in this forum and I'm also an entusiast on mods of every type of games and then I found JO, back in the 2005 and 10 years after I found it again, and then I got the JKA and everything got pull together, I messed with pk3 files and such, just like I did with Quake 3. The following is, I want to make models for JKA and so I made a model test just to test if I can do everything right. But my problem is what to do first and this and that! I work with 3ds Max 6, I have the XSi exporter, I have the Assimilate and the Carcass thing, gla, everything. I got the skeleton and the automatic hierarquy but my problem is how to do the models, weight, script and such. Just to mention, I saw all the tutorials and just found a stupid one of 3ds max and other of softimage and I'm still lost (I have softimage but it's still hard for me to use) Thank you so much if you guys help me! Thanks.
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