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Posts posted by Paullik74

  1. Hm, I really can't say if votefix work or not -_-. Seems like it change something, but not work correctly.


    Server-side: OpenJK Linux Dedicated (64bit), sv_pure 0, filename zzzzzz_votefix.pk3, fs_game OpenJK, homepath same like basepath. Without votefix, when gametype FFA and map is ffa3 and vote TFFA, it change map to ffa4. With votefix, it change to ffa2. And now, when you callvote to change gametype, it change to some custom map.


    I'm really confused -_-:D.


    So, I dediced to change the question :D.


    Want this behavior:

    When callvote gametype FFA, change timelimit 0, fraglimit 0 and map ffa3.

    When callvote gametype TFFA, change timelimit 15, fraglimit 0 and map ffa2.

    When callvote gametype DUEL, change timelimit 3, fraglimit 1, duel_fraglimit 10 and map duel1.

    Always this, no mapcycles.

    Would it be possible? Create my own .pk3 file with same scripts like in votefix??

  2. Hi,

    when I write to the chat links like www.openjk.org, facebook.com or http://facebook.com, new JA++ chat show this links with some other characters.


    https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=65218BFADFCAF339!39643&authkey=!AAai4_Vx78MVEv0&ithint=folder%2c (not working)


    Other issue is when are you whisping someone longer text on multiple lines. Only first line is show with right color, other lines show with green (or default maybe) color.


    https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=65218BFADFCAF339!39644&authkey=!AE7K5OgxrormHG8&ithint=file%2cjpg (not working)

  3. First little test. OpenJK linux dedicated server (latest update), sv_pure 0, _votefix.pk3 rename to a_votefix.pk3, there is Server initialization screen: https://ctrlv.cz/qBCI . a_votefix.pk3 was load last, right? When file had name zzzz_votefix.pk3, it was FIRST loaded from ./base folder... something like this https://ctrlv.cz/EiaB . I have different fs_homepath and fs_basepath... fs_homepath /root/game_servers/jka/new/gamedata ... fs_basepath . (current folder)


    I join to the server, FFA is startup gametype... esc -> callvote -> gametype -> Team FFA... it changed map to rift sanctuary... then again vote to duel, it change map to the academy v2... again vote team ffa, change map jedi'shome... 

  4. Hi,

    on my base servers, when is voting g_gametype, after voting, it changed map. Is there any way how to set WHICH map it has load? Because... I have mapRaceArena.pk3 on my server and when somebody calls vote for g_gametype, after passed voting everytime server change map to racearena. And there is a possibility people who calls that vote don't have this map. So how can I set, after voting g_gametype it will be change map for example to, for FFA -> mp/ffa3, for DUEL -> mp/duel1 and for TFFA -> mp/ffa2??

    Smoo likes this
  5. Hi,

    what about add some features from Sil's SMod (https://sites.google.com/site/silsjka/)?


    For example:
    - joining screen - when you join to server, you see basic information about server, like servername, gametype, pure or not, saber-only etc. ... in SMod is fixed font for this... for example... you join to the server with name K¥p's JA++ without SMod and you see Kp's JA++... with SMod you see K¥p's JA++

    - cg_speedometer - but with better graphics, in SMod is realized like lagometer, graph with number
    - for me personally, scoreboard in SMod looks nicer then newScoreBoard in JA++
    Next, I think in classic JA+ is better done grapple hook. Better animation and functionality is too little bit better for me. With animation I mean grap at the end of rope, with functionality I mean aplication of cvar jp_hookFloodProtect. I think it's good cvar and I set it everytime.
    Also kick with melee is different on JA++. Is missing "oblique" kick. When you hold W+D or W+A and click MOUSE2 (with melee and g_debugmelee >= 1), you do kick to the left or right. In JA+ you do forward spin kick, kick to the forward (ahead) with animation of spin to the left or right and enemy is knocking down with nice animation. I think this is "logical" (and little cool O:) :D).
    Everything of that is more or less my subjective view/opinion. If anyone has got different opinion, I get it :).
    @@Raz0r, I've got one pk3 file which if I place it to the base folder, JA++ won't run. It shutdowning, everytime (with fs_game japlus... on Windows, Linux I don't test...). Do you want to upload here this pk3 for research why this is happing? It is model of customizable reborn (RGBReborn.pk3).
  6. What happens on your rig when you try to set the custom fov, @@Paullik74? cg_fov is a client-side setting, and it shouldn't matter whether you're on a pure server or not.

    Sorry for late answer. Like ensiform said, when I set higher cg_fov then 97 (on pure servers), nothing happen, fov is stuck on 97. I was interested in that because I want to use 1920x1080 resolution and with that is cg_fov 97 really low. But how I look, I'm out of luck. I tought it would be like that.


    I'm not blaming anyone, I'm saying that its flawed reasoning to still abide by the fact that pure servers do anything and hence rubbish admins who think it does.  I could connect to a pure base server with JA++ running in base if I wanted to, just is slightly more difficult than other things :\

    +1. I'm admin of few servers and the only reason why I set on base servers sv_pure 1 is because when I set to 0, everybody cry it isn't pure :D. On the other hand, without pure, would appear lot of players with edited pk3s and libraries for ultra imba skillah :/ :D.

  7. Depending on what version of OpenJK you have, ...


    I have latest windows build from http://builds.openjk.org/. I was trying put newest openjk.pk3 from OpenJK folder (in OpenJK folder are still two pk3 files O:)) to homepath (My Games/OpenJK/base) and rename it to zzz-openjk.pk3, but still nothing.



    The issue is related to base servers.

    These servers don't have a copy of the linux binaries in order to verify they're "pure". Because of that, pure server checks only apply to retail JA DLLs on Windows.


    So what if I rewrite DLLs in assets pk3s with DLLs from openjk.pk3? But same DLLs like in openjk.pk3 is in assets2 and assets3. Which one rewrite? It will help? I think I was trying something like that but then JKA was broken and everytime stopped working :D

    Or... I don't know... compile linux versions of base/jampgamei386.so, uii386.so and cgamei386.so to *.dll? :D Or something like that? :D Sorry if it is absolutly wrong way. :D

  8. Hi,

    on Linux, I was able to set cg_fov 115 with r_mode -2 (1080p) on pure basejka servers. On Windows I'm not able to set this. How can I do that? I don't want to use something like cvar_unlocker. I just want enforce to load openjk library file before basejka dlls from assets, or something like that :D.


    Any suggestions? :) Is it possible?

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