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File Comments posted by Arld

  1. I'm not looking to rain on your parade, OP, but this version of the mod is plagued with massive balance issues, barely implemented features and other bugs - not to mention the shaking camera, which everybody that playtested it agreed unanimously should be scrapped - to the extent that it's unplayable coming from relatively complete versions of the mod (i.e. 1.2 or the better jke versions). If you like it, that's fine, but I'd strongly advise people checking it out who're looking to try OJP for the first time should opt for versions of the mod that aren't in the early iterative stage of development like this one.


    Thanks for your input.


    Just to clarify: I'm well-aware of the fact that "JKE 1.0" (according to gamecode, but it's simply OJPA) is basically the discontinued version of OJP 1.2. I compiled a linux version, well-aware of the fact that this particular version has got a few things that're not all too great.


    However, it's pretty much the only version of OJP that I managed to compiled for Linux successfully. If someone else, who happens to be much more advanced than I, manages to compile the other versions with relative ease; by all means, go ahead.

    I worked on it for two weeks and had no plausible results. Therefore, this was, for me, the best outcome.


    Additionally, I also put in a clear note about the fact that the shaking camera is indeed part of this build, and that according to razorace, it wasn't wanted by anyone, pretty much. I decided to revert those changes myself after having sent in the files here.


    Lastly, whilst OJP has pretty much been unbalanced if it comes to the lightsaber combat (since, you know, it's near impossible to balance all the styles for one another), the reason I run this mod at all is for role-play purposes. It won't be run for a community that's combat-based, so for us, it's not a real problem as it would be for others, perhaps.


    Thanks for your input nevertheless. To anyone who looks for this mod, do make sure to heed the advice above.

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