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Everything posted by Ein

  1. How "not well tested" is JK2 single player? Can you complete the game in OpenJK?
  2. First, a little introduction about accuracy: I think people are aware that Jedi Outcast has a bit of a reputation for very inaccurate / hard to aim weapons, especially against moving targets. The best explanation I've seen is that the game's auto-aim messes up the ability of the player to lead their shots. I think it is still a mystery though, because if you disable auto-aim (using cg_dynamiccrosshair 0) it doesn't seem to help very much. I've seen some people comment further (such as here) that this only disables the "visual" crosshair from snapping to enemies, but doesn't disable your actual weapon's invisibile crosshair from auto-aiming. I've also read explanations that don't involve auto-aim, such as this game's weapon projectiles being slower than most games and the hit detection being based on polygon-perfect hitboxes and not blocky ones (see this clip for an egregious example!) Anyway, I've always enjoyed the game as-is but recently I've been thinking about the modding potential here. It would be quite the novel experience to play the singler player portion of JK2 as a more "gun focused" character, like the original Dark Forces. Basically we need a mod that does some or all of the following: decrease weapon spread increase laser projectile speed increase laser projectile hitboxes decrease or remove weapon recoil truly disable auto aim (if it exists?) If there are already mods that do any of this, that would be a start. How hard would it be to create a single purpose mod for this? I'm posting this in the request thread since I am a complete novice at modding. I can code though, and this does sound easy enough if I could ever get past the hard part: learning how to make a mod in the first place.
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