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James Terrano

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Everything posted by James Terrano

  1. I have one question about ModView: Can I add a weapon to the character in ModView or I have to do it in some photo editor?
  2. Oh, thank you very much! This is very helpful. Now, thanks to this, I noticed some other mistakes that I made. I hope that now it will work. Thank you once again.
  3. I don't have time to learn from scratch with Radiant. I have also other things to do. I just need to put NPCs into maps, set the end of the mission and so on. Let's make it easier. Tell me what to do as much detailed as possible. Like: Insert into NPC_Spawner "some" key, "some" value. Create "some entity", insert into it "this" or "that". Create a script file, such as "end_mission.(File type)" and insert the following data etc. Do it like I don't really know anything about it... which is true. Because of my problems with this, I've reduced the number of planned 10 SP missions to just 5. I don't know if I'd handle all 10 of them.
  4. So, I have here some drawings. It's just a simple uncoloured drawing.It's not my finest drawing. It's quickly drawn. For color and other information on appearance I attach images found on Google. I hope it's enough. I made one change. Jedi robe will not be black and red, but black and gray. Black and red looks too much like the Sith. Head from behind. Front with mask. Black and gray as well as robe. And here are other important pictures. Please follow the instructions under pictures! Face These are some of my most favorite actors: Tom Mison (Sleepy Hollow), Rick Medina (Power Rangers: Samurai), Anson Mount (Hell on Wheels). You can use as a template for the face, my drawing, one of them or some combination of all. The important thing is black beard and longer hair - that's what I got in common with all those faces. Jedi robe Jedi robe is black with gray edges. This is how it would look if I colored my drawing. Mask The patterns on the mask should look approximately like on my artwork. The larger area on the mask is gray, the smaller area (patterns) are black. Armor On the arms are parts of armor, like Obi-Wan has in this picture. The color of this is grey. Lightsaber These characters using crossguard lightsaber similar to Kylo Ren's. But with little difference... http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/2/22/Tera_Sinube_Sabercane.png/revision/latest?cb=20130830021708...The blade is White! I hope that the information is enough and that it is usable. I need these version of the character: - Me unmasked - Me with a mask (this is also applicable for ordinary members of this "Jedi Division") - Me with a mask and hood (optional) - Female version with the mask (optional) The lightsaber would also be nice to do ... but it's up to you. I will be grateful for everything or also for the basic versions. When I tried to post it here, I got this: You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community. So instead of pictures are links to the pictures... I don't care!
  5. Allright. So I found that I can't quit. It's almost like a drug. I can't give up with it now. It's deep in my head. I can't stop thinking about it. Damned Radiant! I must figure it out. I must! I have to find out how to do all this... Little by little, with every detail... I will find out everything I need! Even if it should be the last thing I do.
  6. I love this game. What other game could be able to shit on my head like this. The more I try to edit these maps to the SP version, the more I feel I am losing my mind. Even with all the advice and help I still don't know what I'm doing. I am doing something, but I don't know what. I hate Radiant. I don't know who created that "thing", but right now I'd like to do to him what I did to those stormtroopers. This is not a map editor, this is evil in disguise! The Dark Side among the software. I have only following options: - Make Mod Compilation without SP maps (I don't like this) - Continue on, try to somehow solve this (and maybe go crazy from it) - Leave that to someone else (I doubt that anyone will do all the work for me) I have to quit with Radiant for a while. I thank everyone who tried to help me with this. I will perhaps continue some other time. I will now focus on collecting all the necessary models for Mod compilation.
  7. Damn, you're right! I can do that. Problems with editing maps to SP version destroying my mind. I already can't think properly. How could I forget this. Okay, I'll draw it, take a picture of it and post it here as soon as possible.
  8. Good idea, but it has one small flaw. I don't have a scanner. In fact I don't even have a printer. I like to draw. I have a lot of different drawings that I drew over the years. If I could, I would put them all on internet. Well, I think I got something else. It's just an idea, but it can work. What if I put here pictures of every thing with a description of how it should look like. I found some pictures on Google of several things that are applicable to this character. These pictures with a description of how it should look like on this character could be enough... maybe. However, if I ever get to some scanner, I will rather scan my drawing.
  9. I can not draw very well on the PC... and when I draw it by hand, I can't get it into PC. But I'll try something.
  10. I'm already so pissed off that I killed tens NPC stormtroopers. I killed one stormtrooper after another. And when they run out, I was spawning more and more. From this you can probably understand how it went. Not so good? Right answer! Now I will describe what I did, what happened, and you can tell me what has gone wrong. 1. To the NPC_spawner with NPC_type Phasma I added deathscript (Key) and target_level_change (Value). 2. Then I created target_level_change entity with mapname (Key) and Stardestroyer (Value). 3. I used -onlyents compile and put new bsp into pk3. 4. In game, in console, I write "map Callisto" and get this Error: CM_InlineModel: bad number (may need to re-BSP map?) again. I point out that this is the first time I got in Radiant so far. Several years ago I wanted to try to do SP maps for Star Trek: Elite Force. When I saw how complicated is this map editor, I closed it, uninstall it, and never ever returned to it. All these years I made SP missions only with the NPC spawn command and Save Game. Now, after a long time, I decided to try Radiant again because I want to have in Mod Compilation better SP mission. However, I don't want to spend months or years of saving edited maps to BSP. I hoped that saving maps in Radiant is easier. Oh, how I was terribly wrong... And I want to ask about this. This is in NPC entity. What is it? What does this do? And how can I use it? default - 0: whatever idle - 1: Stand around, do abolutely nothing roam - 2: Roam around, collect stuff walk - 3: Crouch-Walk toward their goals run - 4: Run toward their goals standshoot - 5: Stay in one spot and shoot- duck when neccesary standguard - 6: Wait around for an enemy patrol - 7: Follow a path, looking for enemies If it does what I think it might be useful. And the last question... if I will choose anything other than -onlyents or BSP -meta, it will be good or bad? All of this makes the same mess as BSP -meta or there is a chance that some of it will work normally? (I found a picture of BSP menu on Google)
  11. Could someone do a model for me. In fact, the model for me is me. It is a character, me in Star Wars, from my and my cousin's story. Character: It's something between Grey Jedi, Dark Jedi and Temple Guard (from TCW). He is the leader of the separated part of the Jedi Order... something like a special forces. They doing all that is necessary. Even that what Jedi would never did by themselves. Actually, they are doing the dirty jobs for the Jedi Order (like hunting and executions of very dangerous enemies - mostly Sith Lords... protecting someone or something who/what is in imminent danger and common Jedi can't protect it etc.). They use a "cross" lightsabers (like the one of Kylo Ren) with white blade. Appearance: He has a black and red Jedi robe with parts of armor (as Jedi in the Clone Wars). He also wears a mask similar to Temple Guards mask, but it's black and red too. He has a beard and long hair. If this character should be played by some actor, it would be either Tom Mison (Sleepy Hollow), Rick Medina (Power Rangers Samurai) or Anson Mount (Hell on Wheels). Simply black beard and longer hair like these actors have in those tv series. I want two versions of this model. With and without mask. Can anyone do it, please?
  12. Ok, one more thing... this one you posted... This is a new .menu file or I must edit an already existing .menu file in the game? Interesting idea. If I understand correctly, I can add for example a protocol droid and when I "activate / use" it, it may end the mission / change the map. Right? It is also possible to end the mission by killing enemy leader NPC... the main boss? For example: I will fight through the stormtroopers to Phasma. When I kill Phasma, the mission ends and map changes or ends too. It's something like this possible?
  13. Ok, so it probably means no triggers. I guess I'll have to put in maps only NPCs and other objects. Each map will have to be run separately through the console. What is this? Sometimes I creating something in RPG Maker XP... I always had problems with scripts in RPG Maker and this looks similarly complicated. I need more info. Where and how can I use it?
  14. Oh, thanks. I'm always looking for mods but forgetting tutorials. Sorry and thanks again.
  15. Now I remembered that first time -onlyents compile worked. NPCs worked according to plan, the textures were ok. The problems started when I tried the triggers. BSP created with -onlyents compile gave me the error message. Then I tried BSP -meta... everything worked well, except textures. Maybe triggers are the problem.
  16. I already have almost everything I need. It remains only to get a few models and permissions. The biggest problem now will be editing maps to SP version. I thank everyone who allowed me to use / re-release their mods in this Mod Compilation. I'll make a few more changes as regards the contents of this Mod Compilation. I'll definitely have to remove some mods if I don't get permission for them. For some models I have to do NPCs. Another problem will be with old mods. I don't know if it will be possible to contact the authors of mods several years old. I'm still not sure what I'll do with it. Maybe I use those mods only with credit... as the local mods with a license: Other players may modify and share this work so long as they provide credit to the original author. Later, maybe I will need help with testing Mod Compilation... if everything is working properly and so on.
  17. Yeah, you're right. That model is really very very old. It even seems that it's for Jedi Outcast and not for Jedi Academy (but it should not matter). For me it's better than nothing. It is possible to add a new color of the lightsaber blade, without replacing one of the original? If yes, how? I'm looking for a white blade like Ahsoka had in the Rebels. If there is no mod which adds a white blade (at least I have not found any), how can I do it?
  18. I gave up with the "Mos Eisley Trap" map. I could not save it as BSP at all. Now I'm trying to edit the map called Callisto. Added NPCs works perfectly. Now I'm trying to figure out the triggers from my previous question. But I have problems with saving BSP file again. First I tried the -onlyents compile option. After entering "map Callisto" to the console, I received this: Error: CM_InlineModel: bad number (may need to re-BSP map?) Then I tried bsp_Q3Map2: (single) BSP -meta from Radiant Bsp menu. Map works, but it did mess with textures. Help please! I don't know what to do with it anymore. I'm lost. I would never even figured out how to add NPCs, if I didn't find great video tutorial. I miss the good old simple map editor for JK1 and MotS...
  19. I have other questions: 1. How to set the player's starting position? 2. How to set Player Model? 3. How to set some trigger (like with vehicles with the hand icon)? I need trigger (for computers, ships etc.), which ends map or loads a new map. This is to end of the SP mission.
  20. Well, it will be for my personal use, if I don't gain the permission from the authors of used mods. But I'd rather to share it with others if it's possible. I need advice... I tried to make death trooper NPC, but I don't know which CLASS to choose. Zombies are more monsters than human (well, definitely more monsters than human). I remembered that Rancor always attacking everything and sometimes he tries to eat it. Well, I tried CLASS_RANCOR... and I don't think it was a good idea. Anyone have any better ideas? Just advice is enough... there is no need to make a NPC for me.
  21. And what version of Radiant is better? Or it doesn't matter?
  22. I tried and I failed. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Never mind, I'll keep trying and maybe I solve it somehow. And if not - is the map file and used NPCs enough to help me with saving into bsp?
  23. Originally, I did it for myself. But I decided to release it for the public, but only if I get permission from all authors of used mods. Once all the red authors names will be green, I release this mod compilation here on JKhub.
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