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Everything posted by nx01

  1. Hmm. It isn't a script problem? I imagine so. Could I not increase the time until to nearly indefinately, but also I'd need to open the map to change something there, may be? So I can press the console to turn off the lights after the sound has played for eight seconds. And then I can do so again, and the sequence repeats itself.
  2. Sure, they walk in, let me find a youtube clip of this tour mod for Elite force. https://youtu.be/2D85br6Sibc?t=29m You'll see what I'm getting at with the alert not being able to continue, the sound for a little longer, and as well the status lights on the bridge. As for an NPC walking, I suppose an NPC on one of the decks walking will be an example for my objective.
  3. Okay I see. That is ultimate objective. There are a few characters on a map. From this example script that I'm having to type up in BehavED. I ofcourse want the alert system to continue, the noise for eight seconds in total. I did this with the example code example but as stated it failed. There is a light system too so that will continue for as long as the player, can you please indicate anything about this code what needs changing to make it continue after two characters walk in, so after that, the event is going on.
  4. Strange, I was able to load the map. And edit a script. Ah okay, I wanted to take a look at the virtual voyager expansion pack IBI file. Thanks for that information Also, I'm interested in some basic walking script commands, is there a really basic tutorial on getting a NPC or character to move? Leaving the above aside for a moment, I tried to edit this, but when I did the sound no longer worked, though this wasn't the exact script. I'm typing up the one in BehavED, so the event should loop after the noise and remain on until the player turns it off.
  5. As for opening an IBI file? I was searching in the Elite force expansion pack, virtual voyager, there are plenty of of these files in the real_scripts folder. BehavED won't open them? I couldn't get the map I wanted to edit to work, I was able to run it unconventionally, but none of the doors opened. Sadly, with nobody who created it to assist me, I've had to drop the whole project.
  6. No, Raven forums closed in 2006. Not that I knew that. All the GTKRadiant links aren't working via the help file. There was a few clips on youtube indicating that there were a few modders for it, experienced ones, with more than a decade of having experimented with the game. A lot eventually left end of the last decade from my research. As for an IBN file, just anywhere or obviously in a scripts folder. I can't even run a map just yet. Something to do with memory allocation problem.
  7. I have used the BehavED editor to delete the archer and flush references. When I compile a script what does it do? Or can I just save the text file and place it back in the Pk3 pack file.
  8. I'll need to get Behaved to do this scripting, Icarus is used in Elite force, it states so at the back of the PS2 copy of EF.
  9. According to a text file this makes a character fall out of a door, so I would like to remove that character from the scene of a door opening. That is the only part of the code where it contains the character and the animation of it once falling. So I just want to end that. Removing the character itself is probably a physical edit, but obviously the piece of code uses the object.
  10. This I got from a file from an EF map. All I can understand is an animation of a character when a door is open for that character to then fall out. How would I perhaps end that happening, just delete the code parts?
  11. I wouldn't know. I read one script from a mod, it contained Behaved at the top? Is scripting just typing up a bit code into a text file?
  12. Hi there, Just out of curiousity, are there any scripters from the Elite force modding community well at one time it did exist. I'm interested in gaining some knowledge on scripting for Elite force. There aren't any tutorials around that is for sure! Thank you.
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