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Hello, I have been trying some modding for Elite force, I tried using an existing brush trigger and culk button and then used a script that I edited from the file I took it from, it works in the new map, but the player freezes not the game, not sure why. I removed the problems, what could be causing this. Player only or not, changes nothing. Elite force using Icarus scripting, it isn't the script that is the problem as it does what it should. There is no information on this in particular, so I had to tinker with what there is and see if could work, which it partially does. The icarus script, original and edited version I tried. rem ( "comment" ); set ( "SET_PLAYER_LOCKED", "true" ); sound ( CHAN_AUTO, "sound/docemergency.wav" ); affect ( "doc", FLUSH ) { remove ( "self" ); } wait ( 1000.000 ); camera ( ENABLE ); camera ( MOVE, $tag( "launchcam1", ORIGIN)$, 0.000 ); camera ( PAN, $tag( "launchcam1", ANGLES)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 0.000 ); wait ( 500.000 ); set ( "SET_PLAYER_LOCKED", "true" ); Now this was the obvious problem to me. rem ( "comment" ); sound ( CHAN_AUTO, "sound/docemergency.wav" ); wait ( 6000.000 ); affect ( "doc", FLUSH ) { remove ( "self" ); } Any thoughts? Thank you.
Sure. But remember getting the NPC to fire hasn't worked. As for the waypoints I did try that last year, but that wasn't the important part of a modification. I'd rather that the attack worked than a enemy NPC walk. Well, what I did was just copy a number of waypoints and some enemies from a map that and just placed them in a map I was editing from an old mod, and that will have to do. They respond to attack. As for where the script is, I honestly don't know. Pak0,1,2,3 not in those.
Sure. But remember getting the NPC to fire hasn't worked. As for the waypoints I did try that last year, but that wasn't the important part of a modification. I'd rather that the attack worked than a enemy NPC walk.
I deleted the spawnscript and targetscript runner, and added a target_scriptrunner and then a usescript. Nothing.
According to the word file guide, it is walk only for elite force. I tried the example of the connecting walking posts, and NPC to walk last year. It doesn't work.
I tried NPC_targetname in the script as well as in the GTK. The Behaved script maker compiled it, but it did nothing. I had tried this on here almost a year ago, that was NPC walking, not attacking at a distance. Attacking is a start, and certainly a must for any game, otherwise there isn't much point unless a cyber walk through the levels with other NPC's is the entertainment of the moment. I also wanted to enquire, the level I have edited has a menu to load the map. Where would I find the source for that? I tried to add an NPC from that map into a map I have made which is seperate from the Pak3 file of a mod. So the alternative would be to add in the custom map and link it to a menu, how could I do that? I tried to get an answer on the Quake 3 forums, but so far nothing. As for the creator of the mod, the man who made it doesn't care or respond to my emails.
This doesn't do anything, I tried spawnscript or usescript.
Thanks for posting, unfortunately that didn't work. //Generated by BehavEd rem ( "comment" ); affect ( "borg1", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { set ( "SET_ENEMY", "BS_DEFAULT" ); }
Hi, Has anyone here used Icarus scripting, used with Voyager Elite force? set( “SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE”, “BS_PATROL” ) In the Behaved program there are Parms. So Parm1 I don't know how to get an NPC to just shoot at an enemy.
I have connected the nav points, the nav posts are targetname nav1 and 2, spawnscript etc, not the NPC and have the following script, and still nothing is happening. Perhaps use script is keywords to use.. Clearly, the virtual voyager script is obviously the more appropriate script commands for the map I've been editing. The first script to do with an enemy attacking the player.
I've also found walking via Deck 2, here is the spawnscript, I should at least think it is related to a character walking. The Virtual voyager tour mod, it was here. I've forgotten, I've been so consumed with the map over the past week, I've forgotten about the very one modification, the official release for the game.
Some good news, I was able to find one modification, it contains the Real_scripts folder, so there are scripts. The maps aren't there. I've played the first part of it, so it contains a level changer script I'm sure, since the player had to walk to another area, and a new screen loaded. Here is the second one in the folder, In the case of the example of either map, or the more simplier first one with the one character, there must be enough here to get a couple of characters walking, and as well edit the existing script to then load into another area of the same map file.
I decided just to revert back to my backup, so I just decided to edit the lift a bit more to get it a little more unified. I guess it'll do. As for getting the menu to load to another map, does anyone here know how that would workout? Such as F deck, I had an idea for that, try and base a small portion of a blueprint with an observation windows to see the Launchbay and use a target script runner to put forward movement of a shuttle pod just like the example script that is available. The player would walk to the window and then the script would switch on. Or as my earlier question after that particular scene, the player loads into a new environment, so a planet surface.
Hmm. Notsure if, anyone can reply to this other problem that has crept up this afternoon, I've been compiling all day! I was trying to transfer a turbo lift from the original, as when first began the map I wasn't sure on how to select various brushes in Radiant, that was certainly a mistake at that time, so now this problem arises once I load E deck, what could of caused this error? Is that something that has happened in Jedi Acadamy mapping?
I'd like to also know when a cutscene has ended, how could I spawn the player in another location, another skybox with landscape?
I thought I'd try a trigger material, and attempt to get some doors opening from a bay, I tried making a trigger, that hasn't given me any options on how to use one, and then I thought I'd just copy the one there, and try and change the values. That hasn't worked, it led to the default one disappearing. Perhaps I can only open two doors with one button. The Icarus script for the second door is fairly simple. It really is an up hill walk with this.
I don't know of any, I can't get access to the mission pack via Pakscape. Eliteforce.filefront was taken offline recently due to it no longer being profitable, so in time, popular mods will return to Gamefront. I tried emailing the original map maker, as there are characters there animated, like one pressing some buttons, or one kneeling down with a Padd computer, how was that? Can that be changed with Icarus or is that a Milkshape task. I tried this short script, I couldn't find the actual keywords to it, but I copied and pasted it, nothing has changed. I did rename the target to nav1 after having taken this image. Hmm, what about something alternative to just a straight walk. May be arm movements seem like a simple script? Or the character is there, then disappears after some of time? That doesn't need any pieces to do that.
So far none of this walking test has worked...
There isn't any need to apologise, I see what you are getting at the pieces are connected but not connected with the actual script itself. Will the waypoint need a targetname? I imagine the script I've put forward should obviously work? The tutorial appears interesting, but sort of distracts what I'm trying to do.
I copied the script from the text file, according to the other maps in the game, the NPC's are connected, I did some preliminary research into this before posting here again about this, as well there are no real_scripts available for me to view about this walking task. Key what, how? L opens the window for the objects in the map. I don't know what EF supports, there is an example script of some doors opening with cameras moving, and a craft leaving a bay. That is all I can really state about this Icarus stuff. I had emailed a couple of former modders of EF, no reply. One hasn't replied after sending six emails, the former modder who has made the map I'm trying to edit the NPC's in it. All they do is stand, one is animated, I guess all of them are in some small way. There are only four text files, so four IBI files. So I haven't nothing to go on. I can only hope to use what I have there to create more function. Um, and some walking. So perhaps no fire fights as I had thought of as an extension to my edit of the map. I even tried replacing audio files, that failed. Stereo isn't suitable, changed the wav formar to MP3, nothing using free software, and some upload sites. I also have no authentic weapon to use even if I could create a firefight, I've enquired with somebody about a model piece, but using Milkshape 3D with the days left to use it, is just another problem altogether. But first trying to get this small example to work first is my priority for characters.
I also have a test map, I'd rather use that, since the compile time is very quick. What is a flag of spawnscript? I imagine a wait command will be needed in the script once a character has walked to the first waypoint?
Okay, well I've been trying to get this NPC to move, I have the NPC connected Also, I had even attempted to get another set of doors open, what I don't understand about that, is how were they named a and b, if there is nothing there connecting a trigger script object in the first place, it isn't connected in the GTK.
So what is a typical Icarus script for these Star Wars games for walking?