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Everything posted by FuzzyTosser

  1. NOPE, nope. I'm just being stupid, wrong GLA placement, as well as the GLA type...
  2. That done did it! Thank you very much mrwonko. I ended up having a few problems, and I didn't realize that after I split my model at some seams, there were infact duplicate seams at the doubles. Once I removed the seams on the doubles, it exported perfectly! A grand plugin, if anyone else is having problems with this plugin I would be happy to explain in further detail what I did to get it to export We need more people that know how to work this plugin
  3. That was incredibly quick! Thanks man, this time around it kinda made more sense to me. I'll try that, and report back if I had any luck with it.
  4. I hope this thread hasn't been set up in the wrong forum section. Anyway... I was doing some extensive browsing of the various threads that have been opened in relation to Mr.Wonko's Blender Ghoul2 plugin for Blender 3d today, because I recently took an interest in it myself. I have worked for a couple of years with the program and I feel like I know my way around the tools available in software pretty well, even though I haven't managed to actually get any of my own creations into any existing games as part of a modification (I've had better luck with games of my own ). I usually don't register on forums to ask for help, because I often feel like it's just bothersome to other people. But I feel like I've been in luck for the most part with this particular plugin, I'm so close to having my first model ready, I've weighted it and so forth and double checked the procedure I went through, before I decided to export it. No dice though... I figure it's probably some kind of misunderstanding on my part, because the pre-requisites for functional exporting seems pretty well documented. So I had an idea, and I'm not sure if I'm doing anyone a favor by setting this thread up in the first place. I was wondering whether it would be alright to open this thread as a small temporary (Or long term, depending on peoples opinion on it) thread where the lot of us that are struggling a bit with this plugin, could post the errors we get while working with it. That or we could ask questions in regards to things we don't understand about it. I know for a fact that there are people out there, that have managed to get this working. So I'm determined to wrap my head around the workings of it as well, I've just hit a minor bump in the road. So far I feel kind of like I know what I'm doing, and I would like to help anyone who has questions of their own even though I don't quite have the process down myself, yet. I value any input as long as it isn't completely off topic, and I would be more than happy to give some of my own if possible. Now onto my question. I think my problem is related to the UVmapping of a mesh of mine, something about the marked seams? I was reading a little something about a similar problem on here. I didn't quite understand what the fix for it was though, english isn't my first language. So from time to time, I'm a bit of a straggler when it comes down to comprehending things This by the way, is what the error I'm getting looks like.
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