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    Linux Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

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  1. Hello, I want to play Jedi Knight 2 on Linux, so I compiled OpenJK from git with success, I obtained this executables files and placed them in the gamedata folder. openjk.x86_64 --> error message: ******************* ERROR: Couldn't find any player classes for Siege ******************** VM_Create: uix86_64.so succeeded recursive error after: Couldn't find any player classes for Siege Perrhaps this executable is for Jedi Academy only? openjkded.x86_64 --> server seems to work ok openjk_sp.x86_64 --> JK2 single player, work but the text menus are not viewable openjo_sp.x86_64 --> JK2 single player, work but the screen is too dark Perrhaps I did something wrong, so my question are: Is it possible today to play Jedi Knight 2 with OpenJK? What are the difference between openjk.x86_64, openjk_sp.x86_64 and openjo_sp.x86_64? Thank you for your help
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