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Giant Mushroom

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    This is my first skin for Jedi Academy, and I basically did it just to familiarize myself with how JA handles files and skins. Originally, I was just going to make all the Zabrak Female parts available to the Human Female, but it quickly became apparent that this task was not only too advanced for someone's first project, but was so advanced not even the veterans wanted to touch it! So instead, I used the Zabrak Female textures as source material to make some new skins for the Human Female, and I think the results are decent. The only original hand-drawn work in these skins is the tattoo art on the two new heads. Everything else has been cut and pasted from other models from JA or Unreal Tournament 2004, and smoothed/color shifted by myself. Included are two new heads, three leg pieces adapted from the Zabrak female, and two torsos adapted from the Zabrak female (one moreso than the other). I think I managed to match that tan-in-a-bottle skin color of the human pretty well. These are non-replacing, and I've tested them successfully in both single and multiplayer.
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