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Everything posted by curve

  1. Thank you Apprentice, that is what I wanted to know.
  2. Hmm, please can someone help me here please? I've no idea if (and how) I can realize some npc routes in my mp map.... thanks...
  3. Aaa.. Yeaaar.. I know.. But I want to give them a route and want to let them do some action like open doors or activate an elevator etc in my MP MAP not sp.. I've found that: http://www.sevristh.co.uk/tutorials_waypoints_1.html Does it work with a mp map too?
  4. Hey guys its me again. I want to add a route and action (like use some trigger etc) to some npcs appearing in my multiplayer map. How do I do that? I've found an old tutorial here on jkhub, but thats not longer available.. Can please some1 tell me how to do that? I know there are some entities and waypoints I've to connect with the npcs, but I need to do some scripting. Thanks for help! curve
  5. And for those who want to run q3map2 x64 -- here's my q3map2 x64 compile command tutorial: 0 - make sure that these files are in your base folder: (except q3map2.txt and the cmd shortcut) q3map2 x64 download: http://q3map2.robotrenegade.com/downloads/binaries/win64_x86/ download some missing or defect-dlls from google by typing them 1 - open cmd.exe as administrator (right click > run as admin) 2 - navigate to your base path (e.g. H:\Games\JKA\GameData\Base) 3 - type the following from ##META##, ##VISIBILITY## and ##LIGHT 1 ~ TEST## OR ##LIGHT 2 ~ FINAL## and after each one press enter and wait until each one is finished and only after that choose the next one: e.g. in cmd H:\q3map2 -game ja -fs_basepath "H:/Games/JKA/GameData/" -meta -v H:/Games/JKA/GameData/Base/maps/ffa_crv >>PRESS ENTER >> WAIT in cmd H:\q3map2 -game ja -fs_basepath "H:/Games/JKA/GameData/" -vis -saveprt -fast -v H:/Games/JKA/GameData/Base/maps/ffa_crv >> PRESS ENTER >> WAIT in cmd H:\q3map2 -game ja -fs_basepath "H:/Games/JKA/GameData/" -light -fast -samples 6 -shade -filter -dirty -bounce 8 -v H:/Games/JKA/GameData/Base/maps/ffa_crv >> PRESS ENTER >> WAIT ##META## q3map2 -game ja -fs_basepath "H:/Games/JKA/GameData/" -meta -v H:/Games/JKA/GameData/Base/maps/ffa_crv ##VISIBILITY## q3map2 -game ja -fs_basepath "H:/Games/JKA/GameData/" -vis -saveprt -fast -v H:/Games/JKA/GameData/Base/maps/ffa_crv ##LIGHT 1 ~ TEST## q3map2 -game ja -fs_basepath "H:/Games/JKA/GameData/" -light -fast -super 2 -filter -v H:/Games/JKA/GameData/Base/maps/ffa_crv ##LIGHT 2 ~ FINAL## q3map2 -game ja -fs_basepath "H:/Games/JKA/GameData/" -light -fast -samples 6 -shade -filter -dirty -bounce 8 -v H:/Games/JKA/GameData/Base/maps/ffa_crv That's it! For the command options check the http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Q3Map2 Page.
  6. OK! I've maybe solved it for myself. on an worldspawn in GtkRadiant I had: _lightmapscale .25and gridsize 16 16 32I don't know which one was the 'errorpart' and don't know why it makes the map broken ingame!! I'll test it. EDIT: It seems that _lightmapscale .25was the one.. Everything works now with_lightmapscale .50
  7. Ok guys, a little bit late, but here's the log. (used with the following cmd bsp_Q3Map2: (NEW) BSP -meta, -vis, -light -fast -samples 2 -shade -filter directly over gtkradiant 1.6.4 with q3map2 32bit v2.5.8 Ingame it looks like that: Maybe is it because a shader is broken?? This is my shader file: Has someone a solution for it? PLEASE I can't finish my work
  8. I run q3map2 64 with cmd in admin mode.. and then I got this above.. but it seems that everything works fine with q3map3 (the log)
  9. Hey guys, I try to get the x64 version of q3map2 x64 edition to work.. in my gtkradiant directory I have the x64 folder with the q3map2.exe 64bit edition and such files. When I copy them over the 32bit q3map2.exe version and the other files too, it doesnt work. Ok, I have downloaded some -dll files from the internet. Gtkradiant starts but the compiler doest work.. It crashes while I click on a compile option in Gtk.. Has somebody an instruction to get the 64bit version work? Thanks! --EDIT-- I get it work by: copied q3map2 64bit files (--> q3map2.exe ; zlib1.dll ; libpng14-14.dll ; libintl-8.dll ; libglib-2.0-0.dll) to your base folder and open cmd with admin rights (right-click, open as admin) or write a .bat file. and then I used this: q3map2 -v # -game ja -fs_basepath "H:/Games/JKA/GameData/" -meta maps/ffa_crv q3map2 # -game ja -fs_basepath "H:/Games/JKA/GameData/" -vis -saveprt -fast maps/ffa_crv q3map2 -game ja -fs_basepath "H:/Games/JKA/GameData/" -light -fast -super 2 -filter maps/ffa_crv Is this correct or are there better compile options? And when I compile my map it looks like this ingame What did I do wrong?? Help please... Anyway, the x64 version of q3map2 works very well.
  10. why do you think it is too complex? what will happen? do i have to give its path to the md3 entitiy like a normal md3 model?? when i give its path to the 3ds model in gtkradiant 1.6.4 i see nothing.. i have not compiled it yet..
  11. Hi everybody, i am working on a new mapping project and i need a grass model so that it looks like real grass. i can't find anything.. the only thing i found is grass in 3ds format.. i tried to convert it with blender and md3 plugin to .md3 file format. i mean a model like that: http://tf3dm.com/3d-model/grass-49206.html please someone know a tutorial or way to get it work with gtkradiant and ingame with jka? thank you
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