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Posts posted by Atera

  1. This is possible in a couple ways.


    1) When querying servers for their information, the server will return the number of actual human players vs total number of players. This means a client mod can tell you how many slots are taken up by humans vs bots. (Servers could fake this information if they're so poor that they need to do that)


    2) To actually hide the bots from the player list will require guesswork based on the players with 0 ping though. This could hide the server host from the list if the server is a home server.

    Either way: Can someone/Has someone made something like this? Would really come in handy for me lol.

  2. Bots have same ping, don't they?

    Most have 0 but there are ways to give them like 30-50 ping (some clans do).

    It'd be amazing if you could sort by players and have the server list ignore the damn bots :P (Or do something similar to Gametracker which is that it says 5(3)/8 which indicates that 3 are bots basically.


    EDIT: Actually when looking through the Server Info, all bots have 0. So can't someone create a way to filter players with 0 ping?

  3. No, we have our own JKHub master server. And the gamespy masterserver isn't even used by JA to find games, it's only used by the GameSpy client, and to quote myself:

    mrwonko thats fantastic, thanks for letting me know.


    BUT, the server list in the jedi academy game => how would jkhub help there if ravensoft and qtracker goes down. dont ravensoft have to manually add jkhub to the serverlist somehow? (i dont know shit about tech so im sorry if i come across as a dumb child)

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