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  1. 183 downloads

    XYZ is my attempt at taking elements of successful maps and combining them into one map that is hopefully fun to play and fun to look at. In this map you will find training courses (three difficulty levels), a public council hut, a secret council room, several student bedrooms, three master bedrooms, a sandpit arena, a bar (of course!), a jail, and several other places of interest. You probably read that and said "What? A secret council room? How is it so secret if you're telling me about it?". Well, okay, it wasn't intended to be "secret", but admin-accessible. You will need noclip, teleport, or protect to access the secret council room. It is located through a tunnel of lava under the training cave that can be found by falling down a crack in the ground. Inside the secret council room there are two switches that toggle day/night throughout the map, and quick teleports to key areas of the map, in addition to the expected features of a council room. Coordinates are included in the next section. Each master bedroom in the map has its own unique features, including a secret trap. These are the expected quarters of the highest ranking members of a clan/guild, should this map be used as a clan hangout or something. The training courses are available in the training cave. Each doorway in the inset building leads to a different course. To unlock harder courses, you must beat the previous course, and locate and destroy a seal somewhere in the map. Descriptions of each course are provided at the entrance. Story mode is a planned addition to these courses, but entity contraints have delayed its implementation. Currently the door leading to it is inaccessible. Well I've said enough about my map. Go and check it out for yourself! -Invalid ------------------ Map Coordinates ------------------ Use these coordinates with admin teleport in mods such as JA. Location            |  X     Y     Z --------------------------------------- Secret Council Room |  1900  2300 -1500 Public Council Hut  | -2000  3300 -1100 Student Quarters    | -2100  4200 -1700 Lesser Hall         | -4500  3400 -1700 Great Hall          | -4200  1100 -1700 Rockspire           | -5500 -300   200 Cargo Bay           |  5600  2200 -700 Jail (main)         | -4300  2400 -1300 Jail (cell 1)       | -4900  2700 -1300 Jail (cell 2)       | -5400  2700 -1300 Bar                 | -600   3500 -1700 Sandpit Arena       | -700   1600 -1700 Outdoor Area        |  0     0     100 Training Cave       |  2100 -300  -800 ------------------ IMPORTANT NOTE ------------------ No force powers are required to complete each obstacle course except force jump level 3. Using a force power like speed or dark rage will make many obstacles way easier than intended. Each obstacle course is tested and completely possible, but some jumps may require 125 FPS (frames per second) to be accomplished. This is because of the way the Quake 3 engine calculates its physics. You're probably not interested in how this actually plays into the game, so I'll get to the point. If you want to do these jumps as intended, bring up the console ingame by pressing shift + ~ (tilde), type in the command "com_maxfps 125" and press the enter key. This will allow you to get the necessary framerate to beat each jump. Alternatively, you can open jk2mpconfig.cfg in the gamedata\base directory of your JK2 install (e.g. C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base) and edit the line with "seta com_maxfps" to be 125 instead of the default 90. If you still can't get 125 FPS with these solutions, then lower your video settings. If even THAT doesn't work, your only options are to buy a better computer or try the pmove_fixed workaround described in the next paragraph. For those running their own server, you can enter the command "pmove_fixed 1" using rcon or the server console for similar results. This will lock the physics calculations at 125 FPS. Be aware that this command is considered a cheat by many people, and may make jumps easier than intended. Do not issue this command client side (ie. if you're not running the server), as this may have undesired effects. ------------------ Play Information ------------------ New Music: Yes New Sounds: Yes New Textures: Yes New Models: Yes New Skins: No Botroutes: Yes See next section for available gametypes. ------------------ What's Included ------------------ duel_xyz_rockspire      : Duel map based off of the rock spire area of the map duel_xyz_cargo          : Duel map based off of the cargo bay area of the map ffa_xyz                 : Full ffa map, and the highlight of xyz.pk3 More game modes may be supported in future releases, but as of now, ffa_xyz supports only ffa gamemode, and the two other maps support only duel gamemode. ------------------ Installation ------------------ Place xyz.pk3 in the gamedata\base folder of your Jedi Knight 2 installation directory. e.g. "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcase\GameData\base" ------------------ Special Thanks ------------------ Acrobat - For the many texture and shader contributions he made, as well as the many things he           taught me about mapping. This map wouldn't be nearly as awesome without his help. Loda - For the excellent feedback he gave me during development Rhiom - For helping me understand entity limits Vreal - For the help testing my map Ankh - For the help testing my map ------------------ Notice to Mappers ------------------ During the production of this map, I added several models which I suspected to be in the default game. These models had been placed within a pk3 under a directory such as map_objects\imp_mine, which is a directory that exists within assets0.pk3, and thus hints that the model is something every user will have. This is not the case with every model I added to my map, however, as careless mappers place their own custom models in these seemingly default directories. For future considerations, never EVER do this. It is confusing. If you intend to add your own custom models to the game, add it to a directory such as "map_objects\my_map" so you don't give poor mappers headaches when trying to solve issues with people being disconnected from pure servers for not having the game files. Models that are culprits in this case include: map_objects\bespin\landostatue.md3 map_objects\imp_mine\wall_tank2.md3 Please be aware that these models are now in xyz.pk3 and could cause similar problems for mappers who have already downloaded my map. This could have been avoided if the person who made these models implemented them in a different directory.
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