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Posts posted by zippo

  1. Sup guys,


    I've been browsing the web for quite a while until I found this active (thank God) forum. I've obviously used the search function intensively, but if I've missed something - sorry 'bout that (and if you could direct me to the solution that would be much appreciated :>).


    I am looking for a way to play on a japlus server running the japlus mod (i.e. having it installed), but using the 'old' hook system. By that I mean that you bind hook to a key of your choice and by pressing that key it gets activated, by releasing it it deactivates. With japlus you constantly have to 'unhook' with your use-key, which quite frankly sucks in flipkick battles.


    Is there any known mod out there that addresses this problem? Or is there an easier way by just deleting a specific japlus file? I would like to take advantage of japlus features such as other players being hidden in duels, deaths being shown in the stats etc. while using the old hook system, + ideally having the option to switch between the hook systems :>


    Thanks for your help,


    One love,



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