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Files posted by CaptainCrazy

  1. 3DS Max 2013 .MAP Exporter

    Very handy tool for creating maps and exporting as .MAP from 3DS Max to GtkRadiant. If you have any questions or problems then let me know!
    Note: It seems to work best with GtkRadiant 1.4.0 as this version of Radiant is best suited for JKA.
    Just drag and drop "GLBuilderV2_22max4-8.ms" into 3DS Max or 'RUN' it via the Max script menu.
    Copyright © 2013 maple3D.com, All Rights Reserved. Created by Michael Little
    Game Level Builder 2.22 (for 3ds max™ 3-2008, Viz and gmax®) updated:7 Dec 2007
    Game Level Builder 2.2 Rated Champion of the Month by Pixel (France) in magazine No. 85.
    GLB 2.22 is a free tool set for creating convex solid geometry (csg) based game levels in Autodesk's 3ds max®, VIZ® and gmax®, It is an essential tool for building Half-Life®, Counter-Strike® and Quake® Levels. Building your level is easy, all you have to do is draw where you want your walls to be created, and then click on the walls where you would like doors or windows placed. Floors can be created with a single click and then copied to make ceilings. GLB2 is very useful for making buildings of any kind in max. You can make pipes or any other loft based object with PipeMax script (included). It's possible with PipeMax to make, Pipes, Tunnels, Arches, Roofs, Stairs, and even any lathe type object such as a hollow sphere or vase. GLB2 also includes 'Handy Cam' a first person camera that lets you walk around your level easily. 'Handy Cam' can be set to create a spline along the path of the camera, which can then be used to make roller-coaster shaped walls or pipes. Another use for this path is to render walk-throughs of your level. Ever wanted to make a fly-through animation of a building but found moving and keyframing the camera a pain, well not anymore. GLB now includes Map Exporter 1.0 Limited Edition. A custom written script to export your levels to .map files in seconds, allowing you to add entities in WorldCraft® or a similar level editior. Note: Map Exporter LE does not export texture coordinates, for full texture support and much much more, check out Convexity our professional level design package.
    NEW features in Version 2.22:
    Updated Map Exporter LE so map files are now compatible with GTK Radiant.
    All walls are now made convex, so you don't have to worry so much about making walls turn on the level to stop twisted faces.
    Floor tool has been improved so that floors created on slopes work more reliably.
    Holes that could sometimes occur in floors due to a spline not being correctly extruded have been fixed. Floor pieces are now editable meshes, not extruded splines.
    04 version updated for 3ds max 9 - 2008 and has been improved to work with dual monitor setups.


       (2 reviews)



  2. Imperial Outpost Part 3

    This is the lost single player mod made by Eike Legien, therefor i do not take any credit for it as this is entirely his work i am merely providing a means for you guys to download it.
    There shouldn't be any problems but if there are then let me know and i'll do my best to help!


       (4 reviews)



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