Hi ! I made a program that allows you to talk between several JKA servers and Web Chat. It working in peer to peer, you don't need a master server. But all the peer must be know all the other peer. The configurations are not very easy... JK/OpenJk: You must use the Jass Connector... Because the script is based on the logs generated by JASS Mod ! In the Jass configuration you must activate the "log" to 2 in the jass.ini Note: JassMod is compatible with the all other mod and OpenJk. System : Linux / Windows servers WebChat: You must use the Mysql connector, but this connecter is not very stable... I'm working for corrected the problem. System: Windows servers (Not ready for linux) Sources: JASS_Connector: http://pastebin.com/mSgWFtV5 MYSQL_BDD connector: http://pastebin.com/6tz8ip3G Note: i will make a github... Demo: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2013/43/1382466561-bddtojka.jpg http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2013/43/1382466568-jkatoall.jpg You can try in live on the "Ninja servers" (ja+ // Fullforce // base) but you must be registered on ninja-gaming.fr for try the WebChat (http://ninja-gaming.fr/v2/chat.php). Download: http://tlams.free.fr//JKchat/chat_by_tlams.rar Installation: ONE game server = ONE jass folder = ONE conf.ini = ONE process ONE Web chat = ONE bdd folder = ONE conf.ini = ONE process Architecture example: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2013/43/1382471228-schema1.png Config files example: ------JASS CONNECTOR(config.ini) SERVER1---------- [JKA]logfile = C:\Users\Tlams\Desktop\jkchat\V2\games.log <= THE JASS LOG FILERCON = rconPW <= JKA RCONIP_server = <= Your IP JK ServerPORT_server = 29070 <= Your port JK Server[PEERS]IP_Autorise =,, <= Ip Peer Allowed for reveive List_servers =,, <= Ip/ports peer to send [LOCAL]PORT = 28800 <= JASS PORT ! YOU MUST ADD A PAT RULE ON YOUR ROUTER (UDP)IP = <= YOU LOCAL SERVER IP OR PUBLIC IP IF YOUR NETWORK CART HAVE A DIRECT PUBLIC IP Username = ServerJK1 <= Name for this serverPassword = Common_password <= Common password with the ALL OTHER PEERS[LANG]player_co = ^1Connected to player_disco = ^1Disconnected to # ------JASS CONNECTOR(config.ini) SERVER2---------- #[JKA]logfile = C:\Users\Tlams\Desktop\jkchat\V2\games.log <= THE JASS LOG FILERCON = rconPW <= JKA RCONIP_server = <= Your IP JK ServerPORT_server = 29060 <= Your port JK Server[PEERS]IP_Autorise =,, <= Ip Peer Allowed for reveive List_servers =,, <= Ip/ports peer to send [LOCAL]PORT = 28801 <= JASS PORT ! YOU MUST ADD A PAT RULE ON YOUR ROUTER (UDP)IP = <= YOU LOCAL SERVER IP OR PUBLIC IP IF YOUR NETWORK CART HAVE A DIRECT PUBLIC IP Username = ServerJK2 <= Name for this serverPassword = Common_password <= Common password with the ALL OTHER PEERS[LANG]player_co = ^1Connected to player_disco = ^1Disconnected to # ------JASS CONNECTOR(config.ini) SERVER3---------- #[JKA]logfile = C:\Users\Tlams\Desktop\jkchat\V2\games.log <= THE JASS LOG FILERCON = rconPW <= JKA RCONIP_server = <= Your IP JK ServerPORT_server = 29070 <= Your port JK Server[PEERS]IP_Autorise =, <= Ip Peer Allowed for reveive List_servers =,, <= Ip/ports peer to send [LOCAL]PORT = 28800 <= JASS PORT ! YOU MUST ADD A PAT RULE ON YOUR ROUTER (UDP)IP = <= YOU LOCAL SERVER IP OR PUBLIC IP IF YOUR NETWORK CART HAVE A DIRECT PUBLIC IP Username = ServerJK3 <= Name for this serverPassword = Common_password <= Common password with the ALL OTHER PEERS[LANG]player_co = ^1Connected to player_disco = ^1Disconnected to # ------BDD/MYSQL CONNECTOR(config.ini)---------- # [PEERS]IP_Autorise =, <= Ip Peer Allowed for reveive List_servers =,, <= Ip/ports peer to send [LOCAL]PORT = 28801 <= JASS PORT ! YOU MUST ADD A PAT RULE ON YOUR ROUTER (UDP) IP = <= YOU LOCAL SERVER IP OR PUBLIC IP IF YOUR NETWORK CART HAVE A DIRECT PUBLIC IP Username = CHAT <= Name for this serverPassword = Common_password <= Common password with the ALL OTHER PEERS[MYSQL]MYSQL_IP = <= Your MYSQL IP serverMYSQL_USER = user MYSQL_PASSWORD = pwMYSQL_BD_NAME = bdnameMYSQL_TB_NAME = Table_nameMYSQL_BD_Col_Message = message_colMYSQL_BD_Col_username = name_user_colMYSQL_BD_Col_id = id_colMYSQL_BD_Col_time = time_colMYSQL_BD_Col_time_format = UNIX <= NOT CHANGE (Not compatible with other date system)----------------------------- Note: I'm sorry for my bad english !