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Everything posted by EmerALD

  1. Alright man thanks, one little problem though. When I go on the website and click on the link to take me to the SDK toolkit it says 404 not found.
  2. So I've posted a player model request, but I think my brother could make me one because he uses 3Ds max and has had experience with it, but he could only make the model. What else do you need to do besides just make a model for it to work in game? Do you need to script anything? Sync any kind of animations up? Thanks.
  3. I was wondering if anyone could make me a custom model, I hear they can be hard to make + I dont have 3d modeling experience. I would like a model of the main character from Shadow of the Colossus (a ps2 game) PIC: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://apolloidt.com/2008%2520Capstone/tyler/images/Wander.jpg&imgrefurl=http://apolloidt.com/2008%2520Capstone/tyler/SotC.htm&h=248&w=300&sz=73&tbnid=QdG60g4hgVN1cM:&tbnh=92&tbnw=111&zoom=1&usg=__X6qu3AjZonALuRVUuAiEYsk3A7A=&docid=v5PSO23OlLaV0M&hl=en&sa=X&ei=j__QUdGTCre14AOlzoDgBQ&ved=0CD8Q9QEwBQ&dur=594 Thank you! This guy is truly my favorite gaming character and I thought it would be awesome to have it when i'm mainly playing Jedi Academy. Also it is said that his name is Wander or Wanderer, even though it is never mentioned in the game or confirmed as his name.
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