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Thinking about applying for a position on our team? Please include:


  • what position you're interested in applying for
  • examples of your work
  • game engine & program experience (3ds Max, Photoshop, etc)


Current positions available:


  • Character Artist - ability to create detailed character models using a sculpting program (Zbrush recommended) and bake into a low budget model, create LODs and create PBR textures for them. No frankensteining or porting!
  • Level Object Artist - ability to create detailed high poly level object models and bake into a low budget model, create LODs and create PBR textures for them. Can use Maya, Blender, 3ds Max or Softimage. No frankensteining or porting!
  • Level Designer - ability to use GtkRadiant proficiently, versions 1.5 or 1.6.x only
  • Texture Artist - ability to create PBR textures for levels. Albedo, Normal, Roughness/Metalness/Occlusion
  • Programmer - decent knowledge of C++ required & familiar with idtech 3 engine's code. Bonus points for being able to work with OpenGL, to participate with the production of the OpenGL 2 renderer
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