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×Council of the Lost.


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Hello all,


Firstly thank you for reading. If you don't want too many details but want to check it out;​, ​cotl.jk3.in, ​council.jk3.in


×Council of the Lost is a relatively new Jedi Academy server. The basis of the server is a throwback to times gone by in the Jedi Academy community.


# general info


- The aim is to allow for a place where people can have fun.

- Force is enabled and there is also a custom map rotation.

- It's not a server specifically for saber fighting, but instead a mix of activities.

- The saber settings are a mix of base-esque settings and saber realism.


# community info


There is a small but growing Discord Community for the server. You can find further information, help and even make requests for the server there.

There's also a whole lot of stuff to download.

You want a custom map or saber to play with? We'll probably add it.


The following maps are currently on the server;

Alzoc 3 Enclave, Ambiguity, Arevass, Arrevanous 7 V2, Blade Runner, BlueIce Nightfall, Diamond Pit, 
Eden V2, Element of Chaos V2, FFA Sky Temple, Frozen Temple, Gulf of Souls, Korriban Academy, 
KOTOR Dantooine Enclave, Mace Oasis Temple, Meesaja Duel, NeoTokyo, Onossia V1, Onphagus,
Requiem Sanctuary, Rising, Starkiller Base, The Academy V3, TMU SubMetro, Water Metropolis, Yavin 4 Temple 1


# server rules
- Laming is permitted as long as respect is observed when you are asked to stop.
- The admin is always right, no exceptions. Show respect, get respect.
- You can request map changes and npc spawns, within reason. You will get a yes or a no.
- ×Council of the Lost is not a clan server, it's a group of exiles and renegades looking for some nostalgia.
# staff info
- Currently seeking moderators for both the Discord and the JK3 Server.
- Be sensible, peace loving and not power hungry.
- Interest will be reviewed on an individual basis.
Merek and Smoo like this

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