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Shattered Worlds RP Now Public!

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Greetings to all in JK land!


I'm here to announce that after a little over a year or so, we're going PUBLIC with our new Star Wars RP community Shattered Worlds!


So what the heck is Shattered Worlds? Well first and foremost we are a community of Star Wars fans, writers and role-players, storytellers, and people who love to play the Jedi Knight series and train our skills with a lightsaber. We love to socialize and enjoy many facets of the game from full Force fighting to dueling to siege, and so we try to incorporate elements of all of it into what we do, because above all else we love collaborating together to tell stories and develop our own characters in the Star Wars Legends universe.


The main daily server RP is based around a new Jedi Praxeum in which Jedi and their Force Allies train and set out on missions against the newly risen Galactic Sith Empire. Anyone is welcome to join this RP as a Jedi Hopeful (can be any age, we don't condone infant students in this era) and train in lightsaber combat. Many of us have been training lightsaber combat and philosophy (both Jedi and Sith) in this game for quite some time (my first students were in 2004) and we have heavily tweaked our JA+ server configuration to be as clean and accurate as possible; and we have developed a few special sabers that change up the animations to make things a bit more interesting, attempting to emulate the various styles of combat seen in the movies and television serials; but we are sticking to changes from the base game animations so not much of anything breaks without our server resources if you just want to test things out before committing to downloading our content.


As a group that is interested in building a larger community and reaching out to areas of our larger JK community that often don't intermingle, we welcome members of all clans and teams and communities to come and participate. I will be approaching some of the long-time clans in the near future to offer them a chance to honor their clan by creating an NPC character that sits on one of the councils - in doing so, members from those clans can join the RP without establishing a Hopeful. Instead they can simply establish themselves as a knight from another temple and come and go into the RP as they please.


Finally, if you ever wanted to play in a more serious kind of RPG story, something more like pen-and-paper tabletop gaming, we offer that as well! Once you are established as a regular in the community by reaching member status on our forum (it takes a few days of being active) and shown that you're going to be active on our server, you can create a character bio page in our wiki. Our story campaign features characters across the entire Galaxy, and player characters can participate in campaign missions with a narrator using our unique homebrew RPG system called the Action Point System™. We've spent over a year to create this rules system in order to create a simple and balanced way to generate player characters (PC) and non-player story characters (NPC) and resolve conflicts organically. We use Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy as the interface for this, spawning custom npcs and taking control of the story. PCs are able to interact with the larger Galaxy in this way on the hundreds of maps available for the game, and actions that take place in these campaign missions influence the bigger story that is the backdrop for the freestyle RP that anyone can participate in.


So if any of this sounds interesting to you, head on over to drop us a line at official website at http://shattered-worlds.org

Our server and website are hosted by Caelum and we've put a lot of time and energy into making sure everything is top notch. We hope you come check us out, soon!


Note that we have players from all over the world so our activity is odd and usually our prime hours are on weekends. Thanks for having a look!

Nuhallis, Darth Phren and Smoo like this
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