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Any active RP servers still going?

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As I continue to RP further and further in the game SL (which is great for RP btw) I find myself missing the action that RPing in JKA used to bring. It's got a great cinematic feel to it compared to bare text.


Anyway, I was wondering if any of the RP servers are still running or active. I did a search and found a number of advertisements for Roleplay servers but I'm not sure if any of them ever took off.


Thanks : )


P.S. I know of the clan ::JEDI:: but I'm not a fan due to past experience. I'll leave it at that.

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Our roleplaying community with years of experience is still active and RPs, pretty much every weekend atleast (Sometimes even daily).


Right now we switch between different roleplaying styles (mostly on what we agree we want to RP right now) once in a while. Those styles being

  1. Jedi roleplay
  2. Sith roleplay
  3. Our speciality Tribal Warfare

Tribal Warfare is set in Star Wars settings way before discovery of the Force and hyperspace. We created our own species called Odacai for it, so we as a community have complete freedom over how do we decide to proceed in them. It's not called Tribal Warfare without a reason, it indeed is a war between four tribes (for now) that fight over unitification of the Odacai people. It is a bit similar to Shogun Total War games if you played any of those, just that you RP one individual, you create upon entering our community.

Every roleplay scheme is part of serious roleplay a bit like seen in JEDI, but with more open rules and possibilities.


If you require more information PM me here on the Hub, on our website my name there is "Xizz-Qauz" or add me on Xfire "vartex5"

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JEDI doesn't offer the mod to host your own server. They only give you the clientside portion to allow you to play on their server. It's annoying but I don't blame them. Would seriously decrease their player base and quality if multiple other servers opened using that same incredible mod.  I'd use a modified MB2 for an RP server if the 5:00 timelimit wasn't hardcoded into it. Had an idea about using OJP with RP plugins and scripts but I'm sort of halfhearted about it due to how low JK's population is these days.

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