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OpenJK crashes when running in full-screen [Linux][64-bit build]


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Hello everyone, back from JKHub exile for a bit.


I'm having some trouble with the OpenJK Linux build. I can run the game fine in windowed mode, but when I switch to full-screen the game screws up for lack of better words. It doesn't really crash as I wrote in the title. Rather, it loads up the game menu and I see it for only about 1-2 seconds until it reloads the menu. It keeps reloading the menu over and over again until I force OpenJK to close. I don't even have enough time to enter in the windowed command into OpenJK's console, so in order to run the game again I have to launch it with the windowed parameter. The same thing also happens when running in windowed mode but giving it a reasonably high resolution (something over 1280 x 1024).


Is this something you guys can fix with the source code or is there something I need to do on my end to fix it?

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