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Need assist

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as some of you know, I'm making a mod for ja like ja++ but for ui module, I need some help on lua, so to the point: I have a function  menu:OnESC  (I think everyone knows what it is for) when at its performing it should run another lua function ( menu1:OnESC( print('test') ),  I wrote all the code, but game still crashes(   Here is a code:

int UILua_Menu_OnESC( lua_State *L ) {
	menuDef_t *menu = UILua_CheckMenu( L, 1 );
	int id = menu->num;
	uilua_menu_t *data = UILua_Menu_Get(L, id);
	if ( lua_type( L, 2 ) != LUA_TFUNCTION) {
	trap->Print("UILua: Failed to register OnESC function ");
	return 1;
	data->onESC = luaL_ref( L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX );
	return 1;

void UILua_Menu_OnESC_Call( menuDef_t *menu ) {
	uilua_menu_t *data = UILua_Menu_Get(UILua.state, menu->num);
	lua_rawgeti( UILua.state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, data->onESC );
	UILua_Call( UILua.state, 0, 0 );


OnESC_Call function executed when "A_ESCAPE" button is pressed

Please help :)

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