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Greeting from KR Rogue!

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Hello Jkhub people!

I going to introduce myself that I'm Rogue! I'm currently with the Knights Reborn clan in JA+ which are only few JA+ servers we are in, along with my former clan JAWA. I have been called lot of nick names as roge-doge or roge hog like SiLink would called me, Rogu, Roggy and list goes endlessly.

Prior before coming to JA+ back in 2014, I was also known and being involved with Makermod community with my old good friends, Mr.Dinnertime, Scooper, Mr.Joe, V's and LR for my interesting into learn how to build with a commands and really enjoyed to be part of their community to give an opportunity for newcomers for those who really love building and willing to learn together and really have a good times.

When I found out Makermod is dying, I did move on to Lugormod and been playing from Imperial, Jenova Warrior, !!BOSS!!, and many of servers that I am very curious, I did learned how to register, choose a profession such as forceuser or merc and level up by doing quest, bank, etc..., I still have a good times and really enjoyed being part of it. I eventually joined MotR (Which is Bonza clan for short time), before I moved to Jenova Warrior which is t!g3r lugormod clan and I decide to take my leadership as a highest rank member of the clan to ensure we're welcoming newcomers and help them though with registration and choose their professions for their journey as they will face some challenges from bank, stash areas, quests and so much that the mapper has given them a new adventure opportunity, be curiosity and the top priority I love to see them is to have fun on the server. I was also in !!BOSS!! Clan for the same outcome that I was in Jenova Lugormod, I have enjoyed made a new and old friend from that clan and offering host a tournament. After my lengthy of service, love for Jenova clan and family, including to our lugormod community and learning how to build maps for Lugormod as part of my dedication, I decide to leave the clan and take a new chapter and that lead me to joining JAWA which is my 1st JA+ by the way and I make lot of friends with Helena Revans, SiLink, Nightwing, and Zantos and I really enjoyed my times with them, and I try to engage my times involving in their clubs, and their events which got into my interest that I would love to host event planner. I wanted to thank Dusterman for their inspiration that he brought me an idea that when you're hosting, it doesn't have to be tournament which is very popular in our JKA community, but you can be creativity with different types of events such as Gaunlet, LMS (Last Man Standing), and lists goes on. I didn't stay too long in JAWA probably for a few months before I left the clan and make my new journey with Knights Reborn and I've been here since 2014, and eventually I disappeared in 2019. I recently came back in 2021 after I got a new desktop and now, I am here in JKA Community.

When I am new to JKA, I started out as a basejka as a newcomer in old version 1.00, if you're familiar with >GoD<, HGR, Legend clan, many of the old clans, I did not discovered mods until later on when I got a new CD.

My famous quote is: "I'm Rogue and I'm always a roge-doge!"  So, thank you for having me here in JKhub forum, and I'm look forward to meeting you all here! 🙂


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