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I compiled the OJP RP code and tried to run the game and it crashes like that.

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in general, I was able to compile it and it generally worked. the system of accounts and so on and so on. but it crushes the game and gives me this:


0:00 ------------------------------------------------------------
0:00 InitGame: \ojp_allowBodyDodge\1\ojp_skipcutscenes\0\g_dodgeRegenTime\1000\g_saberanimspeed\1.075\sv_fps\20\capturelimit\0\sv_hostname\*Jedi*\sv_maxRate\0\sv_minPing\0\sv_maxPing\0\sv_floodProtect\1\g_siegeTeamSwitch\1\dmflags\0\fraglimit\20\timelimit\0\g_privateDuel\1\g_saberLocking\1\g_maxForceRank\6\duel_fraglimit\10\g_forceBasedTeams\0\g_duelWeaponDisable\1\sv_maxclients\9\g_maxGameClients\0\g_jediVmerc\0\g_saberDamageScale\1\g_forceRegenTime\200\g_forcePowerDisable\0\g_weaponDisable\0\g_siegeRespawn\20\g_siegeTeam1\none\g_siegeTeam2\none\version\JAmp: v1.0.1.0 win-x86 Oct 24 2003\g_maxHolocronCarry\3\g_gametype\0\g_needpass\0\protocol\26\mapname\mp/ffa1\sv_privateClients\0\sv_allowDownload\0\g_debugMelee\0\g_stepSlideFix\1\g_noSpecMove\0\gamename\OpenRP Pre-alpha Built: Oct  9 2023 21:46:36\g_allowNPC\1\g_saberWallDamageScale\0.4\bg_fighterAltControl\0\g_showDuelHealths\0
0:00 ClientConnect: 0 with old or no client plugin
0:00 Padawan^7 connected with IP: localhost
0:00 ClientBegin: 0
0:23 setteam:  0 SPECTATOR FREE
0:23 ClientBegin: 0
0:35 -8<------- Crash Information ------->8-
0:35     Please forward to the OJP team.    
0:35 ---------------------------------------
0:35 Version: OpenRP Pre-alpha Built: Oct  9 2023 21:46:35 Win32
0:35 Build Date: Oct  9 20230:35 Build Time: 21:46:350:35 Map: mp/ffa1
0:35 Exception: Access violation (0xc0000005)
0:35 Exception Address: 0x00418b2a
0:35 DLL Information:
0:35 0x00400000    jasp
0:35 0x77320000    ntdll
0:35 0x75e30000    KERNEL32
0:35 0x76020000    KERNELBASE
0:35 0x751e0000    USER32
0:35 0x77070000    win32u
0:35 0x10000000    OpenAL32
0:35 0x77090000    ole32
0:35 0x75570000    GDI32
0:35 0x74030000    WINMM
0:35 0x6e4d0000    WSOCK32
0:35 0x76550000    ucrtbase
0:35 0x75380000    msvcrt
0:35 0x76240000    gdi32full
0:35 0x76340000    RPCRT4
0:35 0x772a0000    WS2_32
0:35 0x75f20000    msvcp_win
0:35 0x76df0000    combase
0:35 0x75db0000    ADVAPI32
0:35 0x75fa0000    sechost
0:35 0x771c0000    IMM32
0:35 0x5ac40000    gameoverlayrenderer
0:35 0x75c10000    OLEAUT32
0:35 0x75440000    PSAPI
0:35 0x73f50000    version
0:35 0x6fcd0000    MSWSOCK
0:35 0x000c0000    bcrypt
0:35 0x72320000    CRYPTBASE
0:35 0x764f0000    bcryptPrimitives
0:35 0x743b0000    uxtheme
0:35 0x76400000    MSCTF
0:35 0x6cbb0000    comctl32
0:35 0x75cb0000    SHCORE
0:35 0x73f10000    kernel.appcore
0:35 0x6d110000    textinputframework
0:35 0x6bf70000    CoreUIComponents
0:35 0x6dce0000    CoreMessaging
0:35 0x6cf40000    ntmarta
0:35 0x6dc00000    wintypes
0:35 0x6d070000    TextShaping
0:35 0x72e70000    SspiCli
0:35 0x69400000    opengl32
0:35 0x6d4e0000    GLU32
0:35 0x75450000    clbcatq
0:35 0x5b0a0000    nvoglv32
0:35 0x76670000    SHELL32
0:35 0x75600000    SETUPAPI
0:35 0x77180000    cfgmgr32
0:35 0x6fd70000    WTSAPI32
0:35 0x6cfd0000    msasn1
0:35 0x73d00000    cryptnet
0:35 0x76cf0000    CRYPT32
0:35 0x73c00000    drvstore
0:35 0x6d9a0000    devobj
0:35 0x71ce0000    wldp
0:35 0x76c30000    WINTRUST
0:35 0x6e720000    dxcore
0:35 0x71d10000    windows.storage
0:35 0x75d40000    shlwapi
0:35 0x633e0000    nvspcap
0:35 0x708b0000    profapi
0:35 0x73ee0000    dwmapi
0:35 0x73a00000    powrprof
0:35 0x739f0000    UMPDC
0:35 0x66ce0000    WINSTA
0:35 0x66b00000    mscms
0:35 0x73f20000    USERENV
0:35 0x6d260000    ColorAdapterClient
0:35 0x5ac00000    Windows.Internal.Graphics.Display.DisplayColorManagement
0:35 0x6fe80000    dxgi
0:35 0x6b7e0000    d3d11
0:35 0x65680000    nvldumd
0:35 0x75d90000    imagehlp
0:35 0x72360000    CRYPTSP
0:35 0x72330000    rsaenh
0:35 0x5e1d0000    nvwgf2um
0:35 0x5a340000    nvapi
0:35 0x66a90000    MMDevApi
0:35 0x64920000    AUDIOSES
0:35 0x67130000    Windows.UI
0:35 0x670b0000    WindowManagementAPI
0:35 0x6f1d0000    InputHost
0:35 0x66f20000    twinapi.appcore
0:35 0x73e10000    PROPSYS
0:35 0x66ea0000    dsound
0:35 0x72e50000    winmmbase
0:35 0x63240000    resourcepolicyclient
0:35 0x6b680000    avrt
0:35 0x70890000    napinsp
0:35 0x70870000    pnrpnsp
0:35 0x70860000    wshbth
0:35 0x6fd40000    NLAapi
0:35 0x74430000    IPHLPAPI
0:35 0x74470000    DNSAPI
0:35 0x764e0000    NSI
0:35 0x6fd30000    winrnr
0:35 0x6daf0000    fwpuclnt
0:35 0x738b0000    rasadhlp
0:35 0x20000000    jampgamex86
0:35 0x40000000    uix86
0:35 0x30000000    cgamex86
0:35 0x723a0000    dbghelp
0:35 Backtrace:
0:35 (0) D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Jedi Academy\GameData\jasp.exe [0x00418b2a]
0:35 (1) D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Jedi Academy\GameData\jasp.exe [0x0041914b]
0:35 (2) D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Jedi Academy\GameData\jasp.exe [0x00436ff3]
0:35 -8<--------------------------------->8-

0:35 Attempting to clean up.
0:35 ShutdownGame:


I do not know what the departures are connected with can you tell me?

if you need the version that I compiled, write to the PM

I made a mistake in the first message here is the main thing

in general, I was able to compile it and it generally worked. the system of accounts and so on and so on. but it crushes the game and gives me this:

0:00 ------------------------------------------------------------
0:00 InitGame: \ojp_allowBodyDodge\1\ojp_skipcutscenes\0\g_dodgeRegenTime\1000\g_saberanimspeed\1.075\sv_fps\20\capturelimit\0\sv_hostname\*Jedi*\sv_maxRate\0\sv_minPing\0\sv_maxPing\0\sv_floodProtect\1\g_siegeTeamSwitch\1\dmflags\0\fraglimit\20\timelimit\0\g_privateDuel\1\g_saberLocking\1\g_maxForceRank\6\duel_fraglimit\10\g_forceBasedTeams\0\g_duelWeaponDisable\1\sv_maxclients\9\g_maxGameClients\0\g_jediVmerc\0\g_saberDamageScale\1\g_forceRegenTime\200\g_forcePowerDisable\0\g_weaponDisable\0\g_siegeRespawn\20\g_siegeTeam1\none\g_siegeTeam2\none\version\JAmp: v1.0.1.0 win-x86 Oct 24 2003\g_maxHolocronCarry\3\g_gametype\0\g_needpass\0\protocol\26\mapname\mp/ffa1\sv_privateClients\0\sv_allowDownload\0\g_debugMelee\0\g_stepSlideFix\1\g_noSpecMove\0\gamename\OpenRP Pre-alpha Built: Oct  9 2023 21:46:36\g_allowNPC\1\g_saberWallDamageScale\0.4\bg_fighterAltControl\0\g_showDuelHealths\0
0:00 ClientConnect: 0 with old or no client plugin
0:00 Padawan^7 connected with IP: localhost
0:00 ClientBegin: 0
0:23 setteam:  0 SPECTATOR FREE
0:23 ClientBegin: 0
0:35 -8<------- Crash Information ------->8-
0:35     Please forward to the OJP team.    
0:35 ---------------------------------------
0:35 Version: OpenRP Pre-alpha Built: Oct  9 2023 21:46:35 Win32
0:35 Build Date: Oct  9 20230:35 Build Time: 21:46:350:35 Map: mp/ffa1
0:35 Exception: Access violation (0xc0000005)
0:35 Exception Address: 0x00418b2a
0:35 DLL Information:
0:35 0x00400000    jasp
0:35 0x77320000    ntdll
0:35 0x75e30000    KERNEL32
0:35 0x76020000    KERNELBASE
0:35 0x751e0000    USER32
0:35 0x77070000    win32u
0:35 0x10000000    OpenAL32
0:35 0x77090000    ole32
0:35 0x75570000    GDI32
0:35 0x74030000    WINMM
0:35 0x6e4d0000    WSOCK32
0:35 0x76550000    ucrtbase
0:35 0x75380000    msvcrt
0:35 0x76240000    gdi32full
0:35 0x76340000    RPCRT4
0:35 0x772a0000    WS2_32
0:35 0x75f20000    msvcp_win
0:35 0x76df0000    combase
0:35 0x75db0000    ADVAPI32
0:35 0x75fa0000    sechost
0:35 0x771c0000    IMM32
0:35 0x5ac40000    gameoverlayrenderer
0:35 0x75c10000    OLEAUT32
0:35 0x75440000    PSAPI
0:35 0x73f50000    version
0:35 0x6fcd0000    MSWSOCK
0:35 0x000c0000    bcrypt
0:35 0x72320000    CRYPTBASE
0:35 0x764f0000    bcryptPrimitives
0:35 0x743b0000    uxtheme
0:35 0x76400000    MSCTF
0:35 0x6cbb0000    comctl32
0:35 0x75cb0000    SHCORE
0:35 0x73f10000    kernel.appcore
0:35 0x6d110000    textinputframework
0:35 0x6bf70000    CoreUIComponents
0:35 0x6dce0000    CoreMessaging
0:35 0x6cf40000    ntmarta
0:35 0x6dc00000    wintypes
0:35 0x6d070000    TextShaping
0:35 0x72e70000    SspiCli
0:35 0x69400000    opengl32
0:35 0x6d4e0000    GLU32
0:35 0x75450000    clbcatq
0:35 0x5b0a0000    nvoglv32
0:35 0x76670000    SHELL32
0:35 0x75600000    SETUPAPI
0:35 0x77180000    cfgmgr32
0:35 0x6fd70000    WTSAPI32
0:35 0x6cfd0000    msasn1
0:35 0x73d00000    cryptnet
0:35 0x76cf0000    CRYPT32
0:35 0x73c00000    drvstore
0:35 0x6d9a0000    devobj
0:35 0x71ce0000    wldp
0:35 0x76c30000    WINTRUST
0:35 0x6e720000    dxcore
0:35 0x71d10000    windows.storage
0:35 0x75d40000    shlwapi
0:35 0x633e0000    nvspcap
0:35 0x708b0000    profapi
0:35 0x73ee0000    dwmapi
0:35 0x73a00000    powrprof
0:35 0x739f0000    UMPDC
0:35 0x66ce0000    WINSTA
0:35 0x66b00000    mscms
0:35 0x73f20000    USERENV
0:35 0x6d260000    ColorAdapterClient
0:35 0x5ac00000    Windows.Internal.Graphics.Display.DisplayColorManagement
0:35 0x6fe80000    dxgi
0:35 0x6b7e0000    d3d11
0:35 0x65680000    nvldumd
0:35 0x75d90000    imagehlp
0:35 0x72360000    CRYPTSP
0:35 0x72330000    rsaenh
0:35 0x5e1d0000    nvwgf2um
0:35 0x5a340000    nvapi
0:35 0x66a90000    MMDevApi
0:35 0x64920000    AUDIOSES
0:35 0x67130000    Windows.UI
0:35 0x670b0000    WindowManagementAPI
0:35 0x6f1d0000    InputHost
0:35 0x66f20000    twinapi.appcore
0:35 0x73e10000    PROPSYS
0:35 0x66ea0000    dsound
0:35 0x72e50000    winmmbase
0:35 0x63240000    resourcepolicyclient
0:35 0x6b680000    avrt
0:35 0x70890000    napinsp
0:35 0x70870000    pnrpnsp
0:35 0x70860000    wshbth
0:35 0x6fd40000    NLAapi
0:35 0x74430000    IPHLPAPI
0:35 0x74470000    DNSAPI
0:35 0x764e0000    NSI
0:35 0x6fd30000    winrnr
0:35 0x6daf0000    fwpuclnt
0:35 0x738b0000    rasadhlp
0:35 0x20000000    jampgamex86
0:35 0x40000000    uix86
0:35 0x30000000    cgamex86
0:35 0x723a0000    dbghelp
0:35 Backtrace:
0:35 (0) D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Jedi Academy\GameData\jasp.exe [0x00418b2a]
0:35 (1) D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Jedi Academy\GameData\jasp.exe [0x0041914b]
0:35 (2) D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Jedi Academy\GameData\jasp.exe [0x00436ff3]
0:35 -8<--------------------------------->8-

0:35 Attempting to clean up.
0:35 ShutdownGame:

I do not know what the departures are connected with can you tell me?

if you need the version that I compiled, write to the PM

21 hours ago, Mizopolak said:

This is an OJK that uses a basic combat system. My example uses OJP Enchanted

Oh my bad, seemed confusing having similar names

6 hours ago, Smoo said:

О боже, меня смутили похожие названия

no idea what the crashes might be related to. Or maybe there are people who understand this and can tell you?

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