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  1. I found them in SOFII's game directory. mp_entities.def: http://pastebin.com/zZVxDMjM sp_entities.def http://pastebin.com/6yuKXw60 Does it look from the files like I am missing those checkboxes? For example, I did a search on the clientonly tag in those two files and nothing turned up.
  2. I am using gtkradiant 1.4.0, Dec 21 2003. I did a Windows (7) search for mp_entities.def in the gtkradiant installation folder and nothing was found. Where are these .def files?
  3. Hello, I am making maps for SOFII. I am missing a few checkboxes in the Entities window in gtkradiant: - clientonly - facing - npconly - x - multiple - toggle - use_button - fire_button - inactive In this video you can see that MUG already has all those checkboxes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhqEwNYtWNU&t=12m44s I only have (with doors): - start_open - x - crusher Why are the other checkboxes missing? Thanks
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