As you may know, the idea of Luke Skywalker starting a Jedi Praxium on Yavin IV was an idea first introduced on Jedi Academy Trilogy novels (11 ABY), written by Kevin J Anderson. This idea was later expanded in other novels and comics (being "I, Jedi" (11 ABY) novel and "Jedi Academy: Leviathan" (12 ABY) comics my favorite ones). During those tales many characters were introduced, and many others found their final destination during the story.
However, I have always thought it was a missed oportunity not to include some of those characters in the JK: Jedy Academy videogame (14 ABY). Yeah, Corran Horn ("I, Jedi" protagonist) is briefly mentioned at the beginning of the game (which is a nice connection), although we never see him, nor the rest of the characters presented on the EU novels and comics.
I'm not hating the videogame nor its developers, 'cause most likely they didn't even know who those characters were. However, I think it would be nice to include some of those character that were not included in the first place, at least the most relevant ones, of course. Considering we had an official look of most of them on the "Jedi Academy: Leviathan" comics (also written by Kevin J. Anderson).
Characters like Kyp Duron, who was presented on the 1st Jedi Academy novel "Jedi Search" became a relevant character during the trilogy. Other charaters we meet on those novels were Kirana Ti, Streen, Tionne & Kam Solusar. While other characters were included in later stories, like Corran Horn, Dorsk 82, Cilghal & Mara Jade (who also appears on Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith expansion), Jacen/Jaina Solo, etc.
So, my request would be if there were any way to model and include the NPC of some of those characters in the JK: Jedi Academy videogame as Jedi Masters (next to Kyle Katarn). I have seen this idea has been more or less presented in another request, however that request was about include Members of the NJO novels (that happen between 25 - 29 ABY), so there were mentioned some characters that weren't even on the Jedi Praxeum at the time of JK: Jedi Academy (14 ABY).
Some, as I said before, the idea would be to model and include some of this characters (the ones who were Jedi Knights at the time) as Jedi Masters. Which means those models would replace the ones we watch on the red squares (except Kyle obviously) on the following image. If you ask, on the other images you can the the NPC models they used for the Jedi Masters, and as you can see they are... kinda generic, and even looks like the same model.
So, the question would be what characters would the ones that could replace those other 5 places (being Kyle place the only one woud keep the same). Considering the time they joined Jedi Praxeum and their achivements, I think the perfect ones would be:
1. Corran Horn: He obviouly has to be here, considering he was even mentioned of the cutscenes as I shown before, so he's suppoused to be one of those Jedi Masters we just saw. However, NPCs having practically the same models doesn't make justice to a god dam good character Corran is (please, read I, Jedi and X-wings novels if you haven't!). So one of those NPCs models could have been change for a new one that looks like more like him. A good reference image for him as a Jedi could have been the one the had on the "The New Essential Guide to Characters", and the "The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia" made by artist Michael Sutfin, which is the next one:
Another good reference image would be this Chris Tevas art from "Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force":
You may ask why the green robes, well... very simple. Corran Horn is a Corellian Jedi, which were established pre-TPM as a different kind of Jedi Knights, that can get married, uses green robes and (althought it doesn't appear in the art) uses a Jedi Credit around their neck (which was a decorative token Corran's grandfather "Thame Celuriam" inherited to him) and looks like this:
Before continuing, I know there's a Corran Horn mod made by Tyrael64 (and published in this web) which is almost perfect, and the only critizing I have is that apparently uses Anakin Ep. III's hair, which is really noticible. Apart from that, *cheff kiss*, so IDK if it's possible to work since that and trying to do some minor changes on its hair or try to include the Jedi Credit around his neck. One of my favourite skin mods I have seeing for the game.
2. Kyp Durron: Being one of the most relevant apprentices Luke had, and beeing in the Jedi Praxeum almost since the beginning, so it would make sense to have him as a Jedi Master on this game. One of the best arts about him close to the times of the videogame comes from Jedi Academy: Leviathan comics, art by Dario Carrasco Jr. And also the art of Michael Sutfin on "The New Essential Guide to Characters":
The only mod I've seen about him is the following, but it doesn't match with the clothes he uses on the Jedi Praxium, but during the Yuzhan Vong Invasion. So, good mod, but doesn't really match the Kyp we see during this period of time.
3. Kam Solusar: He was introduced even before Kyle, Corran and Kyp, on the Dark Empire II comics. Appears on Jedi Academy Trilogy and in many others EU novels. He's a really good friend of Luke Skywalker, and his best art was also made by Michael Sutfin in the "The New Essential Guide to Characters". Unfortunelly I hadn't found any mod about him, probably 'cause he's not as know as the previuos Jedi.
4. Kirana Ti: She's part of the original concept we had about the Dathomir Witches, before Republic & Darth Maul comics and TCW. She makes her first appareance on "The Courtship of Princess Leia" novel, appears during the Jedi Academy Trilogy and the Leviathan comics. Also her following art comes from those comics:
5. Streen or Tionne: As many of the other Jedi I mentioned they joined Jedi Praxeum since the beginning of the trilogy, and appear in the Leviathan comics. Their following art also comes from those comics:
First, Streen:
Then, Tionne:
Both of the would be a great adition for the game. I can't personally decide for one of them.
6. Bonus - Luke Skywalker: This would be a little tricky, but you just have to take a look to the clothes Luke uses in the Jedi Academy: Leviathan comics. Personally i've always loved this Luke's outfit, and it's pretty sad considering this is practically the only time we could saw him using them. So it could also be a great adition to the game watcing him using this robes instead of the black ones he uses in the game.
Some my be asking why I didn't include characters like Mara Jade, Cilghal or Dorsk 82. Well, I consider they would probably be doing other stuff during this time or not ready to become a Jedi at the time. During 14 ABY Mara Jade would probably been busy with Talon Karrde with all their smugglers stuff, Cighal would probably be doing some politics for the New Republic, and I don't consider Dorsk 82 is ready to become a Jedi Knight yet, 'cause he just join the Jedi Praxium during the Leviathan events.
So that's all. I know some of you probably have never heard about some of this characters. But trust me, most of them are really good characters that deserves more love from fans (if you hadn't meet them until this time this is the oportunity to look for the stories they appear and meet them), and them being included on this videogame even just as background characters would be a way to immortalize them within a videogame mod that thousands of new fans could play in the years to come and become interested in them and seek out their stories. Thank!