I have attempted to create a custom Lightsaber color using this tutorial
However, when I use my custom color in the game, everything works except for what I assume is the core as can be seen below in the attached images.
What I have tried so far:
1. Replacing my custom .jpg files with files pulled straight from the game's asset files (no change)
2. Renaming the .jpg "pink_glow2" and "pink_line" to .tga files (crashed the game on startup)
3. Looking through all JKA SP code files for keywords like "purple" and adding in entries for "pink" (no change)
4. Changing the "cull" parameter in the sabers.shader file from "disabled" to "twosided" to match the other entries (no change)
5. Changing the "map" parameter in the sabers.shader file from "gfx/effects/sabers/pink_glow2" to "gfx/effects/sabers/pink_glow2.tga" and doing the same for the pink_line entry (no change)
6. Creating a copy of the single_1.sab and going through the necessary steps to make a single_10.sab file with pink as its default color (no change)
What is working (seemingly):
1. The glow from the saber seems to work properly
2. The Lightsaber trail seems to work properly
3. Sound effects are all normal
4. The color can be selected from the console using the saberColor command without error
5. All vanilla saber colors work perfectly
6. All saber hilts (including custom hilts from JKHub) are able to switch to the pink color
7. The game is reading the "gfx/effects/sabers" folder successfully (I think, based on the game crashing when I renamed the files within to be .tga instead of .jpg)
8. The game is reading all other files in the .pk3 file containing the custom color successfully (all other files work as intended)
If there is any further information you require or any questions you might have, please do ask. I am not a coding novice, but I am just getting started with modding JKA
Thank you in advance for your help!