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Everything posted by Piaujeymer

  1. Hey its been like 4 days will I get an answer or nah
  2. I used blender to extract a few animation frames to replace in another humanoid gla, then I used dragon to merge the game's humanoid gla and the extracted animation gla, but then when i open modview and the model is completely invisible, I saw another topic that said that you need the root pose as the first frame in order for it to work but I dont really know how to do that
  3. I've been trying to replace a few animations from the game with modded ones, probleem is, all the time i try to merge the glas and open modview the model is invisible and i dont really know what to do
  4. Also, if you guys can help me, how do I play animations in blender? When I open the .gla file the only thing that happens is the bones appear
  5. I use the 2024 version and the error that pops up is DLL failed to initialize Error code 127. Is there any way to downgrade 3ds max?
  6. Hey guys, I've made standing animation for my character in 3ds max and so far it's working nice. But the one problem i'm having is that i cant install the xsi plugin in the program as the latest version i found was from 2022 and 3ds isnt installing it. I want to know if there's another way of exporting the animation as xsi, or just straight up another program that i can use to make new animations.
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