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Posts posted by anatollorexford9

  1. 23 hours ago, RobiWanKen0bi said:

    Hello everyone!

    Now this really .... annoys me. I've tried everything: modifying the npc file of the gamorrean in many ways - adding class, rank, saberstyle.... nothing works. Also tried the weapon and saber files, but no luck. What really annoys me that the Gamorrean uses jedi taunt (like saber spin in hand) with vibro-axe, which makes it illogical since he has no force powers. I also tried altering the weapon using the tusken gafi stick, but the animation looks messed up. Also tried adding    gloatAnim    BOTH_SHOWOFF_STAFF and  tauntAnim    BOTH_STAFF_TAUNT ..... Noooothing changes! The player uses new anims, but the npc doesn't! 😑🔫

    What I've noticed that the NPC reborn_staff has this same issue (not sure if on purpose) with the taunt, but reborn_staff2 has his normal staff like taunt animations. Can somebody explain this why it's happening?



    I have the same problem((

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