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  1. So, I finally figured out how to get my custom tracks to play in game, but now I am a little confused on how to make my dream music overhaul mod. For levels like t1_rail, it's just one single track, easy peasy. But for the dynamic tracks found in pretty much every other level, how to I edit those to flow smoothly? I understand action and exploration music files, simple enough, but what does the atr and etr music files stand for? Thanks for all the help so far!
  2. Just figured out the issue! In Audacity it was defaulting the audio files to the 32 bit float setting instead of the 16 bit pcm setting. One more question, I am trying to make a full music replacer mod, what does the atr and etr files stand for? For example, I am replacing t1_fatal's music, and I've replace both the _explore and _action music with the ones I want, what steps do I need to take to make sure the music transitions well? Thanks again for the help!
  3. Ok, so I loaded into the level that I was editing the music for and I got this error: mp3err bad or unsupported file. Any common fixes for that? I had the mp3 set to 44100hz, with a 128 kbps rate
  4. Hello! I have been trying to put replace some music in game and so far I'm not having very good look with it. For example I wall convert the audio file to 44100Hz, and have it be stereo with a 128 Kbps bit rate. For some reason though it doesn't play when I load up the corresponding level, just silence. I have made it it's own separate pk3 file and named the file correctly with the right file path in the pk3. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Hello! I'm working on a few ports of popular jedi academy mods to go with the upcoming vr port of jedi outcast by Dr. Beef. I have managed to port a few character models over from academy to outcast, but I was wondering if anyone here knows how to port a saber hilt from academy to outcast. Thanks!
  6. 79 downloads

    This is a Jedi outcast port of Noodle's Bounty Hunter contest-winning mod! I take no credit for this amazing mod, I just wanted to play as this bounty hunter in the vr mod of jedi outcast by Dr Beef and wanted to share the port I did to other jedi outcast players. Please look at the original creators' other mods as well, Noodle is amazing at their work! I have contacted Noodle and they are ok with me uploading this. extract the pk3 to the gamedata/base folder of your Jedi outcast directory. Link to the original mod: On the mod page, it says: License: As with all my work, you're free to do whatever you want with this file. If you want to incorporate it to your own projects, you're free to do so, but I'd appreciate if you let me know so that I can play your mod!
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