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Everything posted by GamerFos420
ive done all i can think to do with the original files but cant seem to get r2's skins to load when I bring the bot into a game.. but the npc command works just fine Player Model r2/model_default .. npc spawn command is r2 Here are the codes and file names - model_default.skin - hips,models/players/r2/body_r2d2.jpg l_leg,models/players/r2/legs_r2d2.jpg l_leg_cylindera,models/players/r2/legs_r2d2.jpg l_leg_cylinderb,models/players/r2/legs_r2d2.jpg l_leg_foot,models/players/r2/legs_r2d2.jpg torso,models/players/r2/body_r2d2.jpg head,models/players/r2/body_r2d2.jpg head_eye,models/players/r2/body_r2d2.jpg l_arm,models/players/r2/legs_r2d2.jpg l_hand,models/players/r2/legs_r2d2.jpg r_arm,models/players/r2/legs_r2d2.jpg r_hand,models/players/r2/legs_r2d2.jpg torso_r_joint,models/players/r2/legs_r2d2.jpg torso_l_joint,models/players/r2/legs_r2d2.jpg torso_cap,models/players/r2/body_r2d2.jpg r2.jkb - //r2 personality //Do not let this file exceed 131072 bytes. //Do not let any group exceed 8192 bytes. //Do not let the chat section exceed 8192 bytes. //Some values are base values and changed by the in-game skill. The formula for reflex and accuracy //is basevalue/skill. So if you give a base reflex of 500ms, a nightmare bot will have a reaction time of //100ms. Other values, like turnspeed_combat (higher == faster), are multiplied by the skill number. //Note also that depending on if the bot and the enemy are moving at the same time, the degrees the bot //aims off by can be greater than the maximum accuracy value. So if the bot and its enemy are both flying //through the air and accuracy is at 20, the bot could easily aim off by 25 degrees instead. That is, //unless perfectaim is 1. In this case the bot will aim perfectly at all times (as the name indicates). GeneralBotInfo { reflex 500 //base reflex value, time in ms it takes the bot to react accuracy 10 //base accuracy, number of degrees bot can aim off by. Lower value == better aim. turnspeed 0.01 turnspeed_combat 0.05 maxturn 360 perfectaim 0 chatability 1 chatfrequency 3 hatelevel 3 camper 1 saberspecialist 1 //if 1, bot will not run just because it's forced to use a saber //don't exceed 20 force points total forceinfo 7-1-332212000220001333 // hlspptglrpattdssss // eepuueriarbeereaaa // aveslliggosaaaebbb // l ehlephetommi eee // d t erhfn rrr // n cbeo adt // i t ar teh // n lc tfr // g e aeo // cnw // kd //rank-side-heal.lev.speed.push.pull.tele.grip.lightning.rage.protect.absorb.teamheal.teamforce.drain.see.saberattack.saberdefend.saberthrow //1==light side 2==dark side } //Weapons with a weight of 0 will be used in special cases outside of combat BotWeaponWeights { WP_STUN_BATON 1 WP_SABER 16 WP_BRYAR_PISTOL 10 WP_BLASTER 11 WP_DISRUPTOR 12 WP_BOWCASTER 13 WP_REPEATER 14 WP_DEMP2 15 WP_FLECHETTE 17 WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER 18 WP_THERMAL 9 WP_TRIP_MINE 0 WP_DET_PACK 0 } // r2 is friendly to many people. EmotionalAttachment { Lando 2 Jedi 2 jedi_Trainer 2 } //all groups below here will be read in as chat sections BEGIN_CHAT_GROUPS Died { The Force is strong in you, %s. Don't give in to your anger. It’s not my fault! No, no!!! That's not true! That's impossible!!!! } Killed { The Jedi code requires that one may only take a life in self defense. If you continue to attack me, you will continue to lose. The Force is my guide. } Beloved Killed { I sense a great disturbance in the Force. } Hatred { I do not hate you. Hate leads to the Dark Side. } LovedOneKilledLovedOne { %s, %a is a friend! } GeneralGreetings { Hello, may I join? } ResponseGreetings { Well met! } OrderAccepted { I shall do my best! } r2.bot - { name "R2-D2" model r2 color1 4 tck_saberred 75 //red value tck_sabergreen 75 //green value tck_saberblue 255 //blue value personality /botfiles/r2.jkb } r2.npc - r2 { playermodel r2 health 300 weapon WP_NONE headYawRangeLeft 180 headYawRangeRight 180 headPitchRangeUp 0 headPitchRangeDown 0 torsoYawRangeLeft 0 torsoYawRangeRight 0 torsoPitchRangeUp 10 torsoPitchRangeDown 10 reactions 3 aim 1 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 1 intelligence 5 playerTeam TEAM_NEUTRAL enemyTeam TEAM_NEUTRAL // race bot class CLASS_R2D2 yawSpeed 120 runSpeed 150 walkSpeed 50 height 40 width 12 hFOV 120 vfov 45 snd r2 }
Im workin on a darth vader hilt model I found and was wondering how I would go about redirecting the images .. I am unfamilliar with .glm files and i think thats where im having the issue.. All I can think to do is open them with notepad ++ and change the directories I can find but when I run the file after making the changes the game crashes as soon as I click the saber in the saber list.. ATM I have it Renamed Vader.sab and reskinned as saber_4.glm & .skin . This only replaces it instead of completly adding it when the mod loads..
Where are the weapon names located ?
GamerFos420 replied to GamerFos420's topic in Modding Assistance
Ok..ive looked it over and you have to change REFERENCE BLASTER_PISTOL_DESC LANG_ENGLISH "Blastech DL-44 \nKyle Katarn's weapon of choice, the Blastech DL-44 is a common hand-held energy weapon with a slow rate of fire and incredible accuracy.\nPrimary Fire - Slow, single shot with great accuracy and damage\nSecondary Fire - Charged energy buildup for increased damage blast attack\nAmmo Type - Blaster Pack" and REFERENCE WEAPON_BRYAR_PISTOL LANG_ENGLISH "Blastech DL-44" in sp_ingame.str to change the name of the Bryar in multiplayer and singleplayer .. for others . Change the sp_ingame LANG_ENGLISH "weapon name" and the same in MENU.str.. There is no need to add a reference to the mp_ingame.str All found in assets0.pk3 . Thank You MagSul !! -
Where are the weapon names located ?
GamerFos420 replied to GamerFos420's topic in Modding Assistance
Hmm. Decided to do a test and renamed the E11-Blaster Rifle to ASSAULT BLASTER RIFLE and started up.. and the Bryar has been changed to Blastech DL-44 and the BR name changed aswell .. Gonna look over this one more time and then confirm your answer.. but I think your answer is right.. -
Where are the weapon names located ?
GamerFos420 replied to GamerFos420's topic in Modding Assistance
Also there is no refereance to BRYAR_PISTOL in Menu.str only KYLE_KATARNS_WEAPON -
Where are the weapon names located ?
GamerFos420 replied to GamerFos420's topic in Modding Assistance
making the above change to the BRYAR_PISTOL removed the Bryar instead of renaming it -
Where are the weapon names located ?
GamerFos420 replied to GamerFos420's topic in Modding Assistance
REFERENCE BLASTER_PISTOL_DESC LANG_ENGLISH "Blastech DL-44 \nKyle Katarn's weapon of choice, the Blastech DL-44 is a common hand-held energy weapon with a slow rate of fire and incredible accuracy.\nPrimary Fire - Slow, single shot with great accuracy and damage\nSecondary Fire - Charged energy buildup for increased damage blast attack\nAmmo Type - Blaster Pack" and REFERENCE WEAPON_BRYAR_PISTOL LANG_ENGLISH "Blastech DL-44" were the only changes I could make in those 2 files and they were only in spingame.str.. gonna load up sp to see if it worked right now but there was no multiplayer change as I thought .. -
Where are the weapon names located ?
GamerFos420 replied to GamerFos420's topic in Modding Assistance
Well for the first time I found "Bryar Blaster Pistol" .. The referance I was looking for..Saving and running atm.. will let you know if it works =) Thanks -
I would like to remove the Bryar and add a Blastech DL-44 and have it done but its name ingame is still Bryar Blaster Pistol. Any Ideas?