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Posts posted by Vermillion

  1. 24 minutes ago, Circa said:

    The best way to learn shaders (or modding in general) is to find something someone else has made and see how they did it. The Shadow troooper stealth effect in JK2 is close to what you're looking for, which is the same as the saboteur stealth effect in JKA. It's called "cloakedShader" found in effects.shader.

    Thx for the quick answer! I checked both: in JO Shadow Troopers stealth effect is different - he's just transparent with some strange highlights; in JA Saboteur have 2 effects when he's hiding - first same as Shadow Trooper, but in few seconds he becomes completele invisible with displaement - exactle what i've needed!

    I've found Shadow Trooper stealth effect ("cloakedShader" in assets1.pk3/shaders/effects.shader)


    but can't find displacement effect anywhere


    Can you point where I should search for it?

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