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  1. Alright! I have made some progress. My first problem was that I had the script written with affect set to info_player_start. I changed it to "player" and set an NPC_Targetname on the info_player_start as "player" and now the script runs. However, it isn't taking away the lightsaber. It is giving me the weapon I selected, but the lightsaber is still in my inventory. This is my incredibly simple script: affect ( "player", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_WEAPON", /*@WEAPON_NAMES*/ "WP_NONE" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_WEAPON", /*@WEAPON_NAMES*/ "WP_BOWCASTER" ); } I know about the stun_baton spawnflag/spawnflag 32. I know! But I want my script to work properly.
  2. So I've been searching for how to do this all day. I found a few people asking the same thing, but all threads seem to end unsatisfactorily. The main suggestion given every time is a simple behavED script that sets the player's weapons to none, then gives them the desired weapon. The script compiles fine. The problem is it never works in game. I have tried it with a target_scriptrunner with the info_player_start. I have also tried setting a spawnsript in the info_player_start itself. I have seen some people suggest that it is actually impossible to have scripts affect the info_player_start. Does anyone have a definitive answer on this? I'm trying to create a map where you play as a simple pirate, who is not a jedi.
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