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  1. Thank you, everyone who responded. I appreciate that you took the time to advise me. Ruxith, I'll inspect those tutorial topics more closely. Thanks. But to be honest, I've seen a lot of guides, I just don't understand them. Really, if you want to find good JKA modding guides, you just have to stalk Inyri. She's famous, you know, and all she seems to post is mods or neat tutorials. As for Darth_shiftee's mod, I have seen other mods, too, where Luke's head is stitched onto a stormtrooper body. Remember, I just have a goal in the world of JKA modding I want to meet. Luke's head on a stormtrooper body was just an example, for my own pleasure. I don't intend on uploading or publishing any mods I make. I don't feel like a first mod made by me would be outstanding enough to share with the JKA community. =P mrwonko thanks for your in-depth response. I don't know how to do any of those things. But I'll figure it out, or ask the random question here and there on JKhub. So, I have a question about Blender as a modelling tool. You have a Blender 2.64 Plugin Suite, which you linked me to. http://www.blender.org/download/get-blender/ Should I get that 2.64 Blender download at the bottom, or the 2.65 or what? Does it matter? Everything compatable? Also, yeah I'm thinking more and more I should just do, say a lightsaber, haha. Astral Serpent Alright, sounds cool. I could just try skinning something at first, to get the hang of things. But remember, I'm not necessarily starting modelling--I'm just interested in doing one specific thing through modelling, you know? Master_Ibonek Haha, thanks for the idea. Once I get the hang of one head-splicing trick, who knows what I'll do in the future. But I'm sure I won't be uploading many mods. That's a job for some skilled modeller out there. Thanks everyone, once more. Hope I start to get the hang of these softwares, and get the feel for things. Wish me luck.
  2. Hello, JK Hub! This is my first time getting into modding. I want to put a Luke Skywalker head onto a Stormtrooper body. It will probably look ugly. =) I also want to make it an SP/MP species skin. The variant will be the stormtrooper head and the Luke Skywalker head, so I can switch back and forth between the two. The question is: how exactly do I go about doing this? I know it's complicated, so I would love it if you guys could simply link me to some tutorials! Here is what I know about:GMAX: http://www.turbosquid.com/gmaxInyri SP Species Tut: http://inyri.info/tutorial_spspecies.phpInyri ModView Tut: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/info/ModView I also have Pakscape. Is this all I need? Should I just take a shot at it with these resources?
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