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    A Galaxy Far Far Away...
  • Interests
    Whiling away my life playing 15 year old games and fueling my meagre ambitions almost entirely with coffee and weed. You know, internet standard living.
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    Full Force
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  1. I know this is a long shot, as I've been trying to find this map since like 2007 and it's probably gone to the data graveyards, but here goes-- I'm looking for an old duel (possible multiple gamemmode?) map with a name something like "EoS_duel". EoS seems to ring a bell for me, but I can't be sure what the acronym was. The map consists of a cel-shaded platform made of blue glass and black structure with a set of rotating rings, like a gyro rotating around it. The platform is floating in a grey void, but there was also a different variation included showing more of the same platforms floating in a cloudy orange skybox. The map also has the song Session by Linkin Park playing on it. Any help tracking down this old upload would be greatly appreciated.
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