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Everything posted by spacegnome26

  1. Thank you very much for the response. I'm still looking into this, but it does indeed seem very complicated.
  2. I would like to edit the source code to add more weapons. However, I've heard that only three new weapons can be added without the game crashing because of some kind of memory limit. The Knights of the Force mod added more than three new weapons though. So, it must be possible to increase this limit? I was wondering if anyone could explain how. Thanks.
  3. Sorry for the delayed response, but I've been busy. The good news is I've got it working now thanks to your help!
  4. Thanks again, I'll look into this.
  5. I checked this again but the count in the items.dat does not seem to control how much ammo a weapon dropped from an NPC provides, just the amount it provides if you pick up one that is spawned directly. For example, if you use the console to spawn a WP_BOWCASTER and pick it up, it gives you 50 ammo, which is indeed the count value. However, if you spawn a Weequay NPC, kill him and pick up the bowcaster he drops, it gives only 5 ammo. It does not matter how many shots he fires before he's killed either, the amount is always 5. Again, I'm trying to figure out how to change the amount of ammo given by a dropped weapon, not one already in a map or spawned via the console. Apparently, there is a difference.
  6. @@Asgarath83 - Thanks for the response! I checked the count variable in the items.dat file again, but it does not change the amount of ammo the weapon has when dropped by an NPC, only the amount it has when it is spawned directly. The weapons.dat file doesn't seem to have any variables relating to the amount of ammo each weapon gives you when you pick it up. So, yes. I do believe this setting is in the source code. I was endeavoring to discover where this is happening.
  7. I was wondering how to change the amount of ammo a weapon dropped from a defeated NPC (in single player) has when you pick it up? I've been looking through the source code but haven't found anything relating to that. I've also looked at the items.dat file but the count variable there does not seem to apply to weapons dropped from NPC's. Does anyone have any idea about where this is specified in the source code or how it works? Many thanks for your help.
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