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  1. every time i load the pk3 i hear the defult sounds and not the new sounds
  2. so this is my first time modding and im just making a Saber sounds mod
  3. i named the file TFA Saber sounds
  4. So I'm working on the galactic saber h I it pack to add the sfx
  5. no i cant hear it at all i just hear the normal sounds from jka
  6. im gonna try to be as clear as i can i created the sound weapon and saber folders using pakskape then i save it as a pk3 file then i try to the mod in the base file but then it dosent work i dont know what to do
  7. SO im having a issue with making the SFX mod im working on a TFA saber SFX mod and i cant seem to make the file work im using pakscape
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