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Posts posted by Cattlepsy

  1. Hello, just wondering if the old school FFA modes would be intact? My favorite thing in this game is going around with a saber/shotgun combo and just shredding the first thing I see :P I love the mix of lightsaber/ranged combat that base FFA provides, especially with weapons + force enabled.


    ...My other question is how much experience needed to work with this engine? I'm pretty terrible with code but understand geometry/calculus fairly well. I've made some maps in the past but am not sure how much more complicated it will be in this engine? The most I've ever really done is going and making custom geometry in hammer editor for CS source, I've made some decent maps on FarCry but those don't count since they're on console. lol. I'd be interested in throwing some FFA maps together and helping with the game mode if it exists.


    If interested in my design style "Deck_1337" is a popular one, its top rated on FarCry5 Xbox one, you can just search my username as the gamertag and itll come up (Cattlepsy) I mostly specialize in old-school arena style deathmatch.

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