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Angry Hippo

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    Windows 10

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    Angry Hippo

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  1. I found an answer. I believe the issue came from my intel graphics card, even though I've only recently started seeing these issues. This post fixed my problems right up though. https://steamcommunity.com/app/6030/discussions/0/492378806380464595/
  2. Yes, I am running a windows 10 laptop, some sort of update would make sence as it hasn't happened till now. However I have not gotten the game to run without this happening.
  3. I haven't booted up JKA in a few months, but when I tried to start single player yesterday, the main menu was extremely slow to the point the cursor jumped across the screen with small mouse movements. Along with that the main menu video was completely white. I've tried both the GOG version and steam version with multiple reinstalls. Here is an image of my issue. https://imagebin.ca/v/47M7Wp0jx3kl I am using the same computer I've been playing this game for years with and it is doing this all of a sudden. Any ideas?
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