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Obi-Wan Kenigh Groun

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Everything posted by Obi-Wan Kenigh Groun

  1. is there some sort of a discord i could possibly join?
  2. Hi! I'm quite new to the site and i just wanted to maybe suggest somethings to put into the game? Suggestions: 1. Can you maybe add in some sort of an alternate skin for Obi Wan, Qui-Gon and Darth Maul, where they all have hoods over their heads (somewhat like this) Obi Wan: https://cdn1.stopklatka.pl/dat/artykul/0000000004/0000004235/original.jpg Qui Gon: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/d/d6/QuiGonPortrait-SWE.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160914194523 Darth Maul: http://starwarsblog.starwars.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/EP1_IA_72118-copy-1536x864-433723767381.jpg\ and 2. You could add in Missions from episodes 4,5,6,7 and even 8 if possible? Because we don't really have any missions to do with them in the actual Movie Duels original? I would do it but i haven't got any game model designing skills so i was just kind of down to suggest things. i can't wait for the mod to be released!
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