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Everything posted by Dharrut

  1. show me that all of them had to learn kendo
  2. Does this work on movie battles?
  3. Someone told me it was released 1997
  4. stop comparing a 2012 game with a 1997 game
  5. no, movie batlle has
  6. No It isn't its an, Inspiration ya Doof different cultures Such as the Lightsaber Staff, Duel And One Handed From Jedi's And Sith are inspired by Chinese Martial Arts Not To Mention The Force Such As Chi Then We Have The Strength Saber that is about Rage and Hatred which is inspired by Japanese Martial Arts. What Darth Vader And Kylo Ren Uses and their cyborgnetic suits
  7. I saw someone do it on online but how?
  8. does this work with movie battle
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